Science Fiction & Fantasy
epub |eng | | Author:Phoebe Ravencraft

Plastering a smile to her face, Wren tried not to despair and addressed Spellbinder. “Madam President,” she said. “It is my honor to be in your presence. I bring warmest ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-24 | Author:Vodvarka, J.A.

The nightmare came deep into the night, waking Quinn. Nyssa whimpered in her sleep, struggling against an unseen foe. “Let them survive this,” she mumbled. Quinn froze and watched Nyssa, ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-05-04 | Author:L. E. Brooks [Brooks, L. E.]

Chapter Fourteen Linorra crumpled to the stone floor, the arrow lodged snugly within her breast. She closed her eyes and let her body relax, knowing she would not be able ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-02-13 | Author:Yolande Kleinn

Cover Design Cover designed by Yolande Kleinn Photo from Brian Patrick Tagalog :: Photo from Free Nature Stock :: Alcubierre font from The Hungry JPEG :: Don't ...
( Category: Science Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-02 | Author:’Nathan Burgoine [Burgoine, ’Nathan]

Seventeen Luc’s Mercedes covered the distance between their home and the address Denis had supplied quickly, mostly thanks to a disregard for speed limits. Luckily, no police turned up, and ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-03 | Author:Dani Finn [Dani Finn]

8 Jaela had to hand it to him. When Dralen came up with a bad plan, he took no half-measures. They waited in the cramped space between the rocks, Dralen’s ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-05-02 | Author:Fel Fern & Kara Kitt [Fern, Fel & Kitt, Kara]

CHAPTER 10 Shane "I’m not getting on that. No," Liam said, taking a step back and crossing his arms. “Why not?” “We’re taking my car.” “Your car’s too flashy,” I ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Theo J Malloy

17 Samira Samira hadn't spoken for a long time when Jullia progressed from shouting to beating on the doors to the cathedral. Despite the growing crowd outside in the street ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Daniel M. Ford

17 RETREAT Aelis woke with a cry and a great deal of pain. She didn’t dare open her eyes, but she could feel a hulking presence looming over her, smell ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 17,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Molly Ringle

It was a tumultuous town Rafi returned to, people simultaneously relieved that Brogyo was gone and worried what the next korred haunt leader would do. Rafi’s own disquiet went unnoticed. ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 11,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:rafael nicolás [nicolás, rafael]

CHAPTER 24 Samyaza stared at his wife, lying in the bed with her, staring at her, blinking occasionally, but often just staring. They had to speak of it, and they ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 11,2024 )
epub |eng | 2017-08-27 | Author:Erik Schubach [Schubach, Erik]

Chapter 8 – Revelations We headed out to see mom watching a news report, she made a beckoning and ushering motion, and we slid back onto the couch. I noted ...
( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 7,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-06-14 | Author:S.T. Gibson [Gibson, S.T.]

( Category: Fantasy Fiction July 7,2024 )
epub |eng | 2022-01-07 | Author:Erik Schubach [Schubach, Erik]

Chapter 9 – Factions It was an eye-opening meeting, food arrived from the Ha'Real kitchens and we ate as we spoke. The intelligence the LIA, the Leviathan Intelligence Agency of ...
( Category: Science Fiction July 7,2024 )
epub |eng | 2023-02-13 | Author:Erik Schubach [Schubach, Erik]

( Category: Science Fiction July 7,2024 )