Hunting Party (Still Alive; A Lesbian Love Story in an Undead World Book 3) by Leigh Ann Scott

Hunting Party (Still Alive; A Lesbian Love Story in an Undead World Book 3) by Leigh Ann Scott

Author:Leigh Ann Scott [Scott, Leigh Ann]
Language: eng
Format: azw3, epub
Published: 2018-03-09T16:00:00+00:00


I wonder what ever happened to Mira. Jaimee thought as she drifted in and out of a doze in the back of the bus.

Outside the air still had a bite to it, but inside the bus was warm enough to allow for a relaxing drowse while waiting for Diane, Blanca and Tori to return. Tom’s snores floated from the front of the bus, not enough to wake her, but they kept her from completely falling asleep.

One of the most memorable times Mira and Jaimee spent together was late in the evening one Friday after all the art classes had dismissed. Jaimee managed to gain permission for a private painting session with Mira modeling. After ten minutes, Mira became restless and stood up, letting a gauzy shawl fall around her waist while she walked seductively toward Jaimee. Normally posing in the nude, she used the wrap as an accessory to turn the younger woman on. Dipping the brush in water, and swirling it in the paint, Jaimee touched the tip onto Mira’s breasts and began another artful creation. She remembered starting with the nipple and radiating outward, down and along creamy thighs. It was quite the affair, but nothing a hot shower together could not clean off later that night.

Last I heard, she was living in South America somewhere. Modeling in…I think Brazil? Not sure. They had remained friends and continued to explore one another’s passions over time and although they had feelings for each other, they were not in love with one another. I was sad when she left, but got over it pretty quickly, moving on from date to date. God, I hope she’s still alive and not having to deal with the same bullshit we are. I didn’t hear anything about Brazil before TV and radio stopped broadcasting.

Everything changed after she moved away – women started chasing me! I just had to walk into a bar and bam! There they were.

Jaimee smiled. Eventually I realized how empty that was and what I really wanted was a real relationship. That’s hard to do with people just interested in partying, but there ARE lesbians out there who want the same thing. Just gotta search for them among all the hypocrites and ‘players’. Although, all that doesn’t matter much anymore does it?

She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Her ribs were aching and she knew it was time to sit up for a time and relieve the pressure from lying down. Groaning, Jaimee scooted up and braced her back against the back wall. Life is upside down now and I’m lucky to even find another who swings the same way I do. I’m SO glad I found Diane! Now, we just have to stay alive.


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