Vengeance Zero by Jack Mars

Vengeance Zero by Jack Mars

Author:Jack Mars [Mars, Jack]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Jack Mars
Published: 2020-12-09T16:00:00+00:00


Zero slapped himself, not gently, and urged himself to stay awake. Ten hours he’d been in the air now, passing through time zones until night turned to daybreak and melted into late afternoon like a sped-up video.

The sea plane he’d stolen from the port at Nassau was small, a white four-seater with a name stenciled down the side in black: Cassandra.

Who the hell names a plane Cassandra? he’d wondered. He had a lot of time to wonder on the long flight northeast. Like what might have been if last night hadn’t happened. What he and Maria might be doing right then, together, instead of one being alone over the Atlantic and one being dead.

There were no more tears, though. The time for that had passed.

There was desert below him now, for which he was only half thankful. On the one hand, it meant that he was drawing very near to his destination. On the other, Cassandra was almost out of fuel, running on fumes, and a crash in the desert would not be quite as forgiving as a hard water landing.

He’d torn out the plane’s transponder, so they couldn’t track him with that, but he was still visible in the sky and on radar. But he had not received any radio calls to identify himself or threats to blow him and Cassandra out of the sky. He assumed that was by virtue of where he was, the airspace he was occupying. Anyone watching the skies must have been used to strange planes arriving and departing from the middle of nowhere.

As he flew, he had time to wonder about a lot of things. He wondered what his daughters were doing. How they were feeling. They had each other to lean on right now; they didn’t need him to be there to grieve. He couldn’t even imagine how any of them would show their grief, couldn’t imagine it. They were all so different, all three of them, and different from him as well.

He wondered what Alan was doing, and Penny, and the rest of the team. He replayed those conversations in his head, the one with Alan, parts of which were missing from his memory, and the one with Penny, still fresh enough in his mind to heat his face with anger.

They thought they were helping him by not helping him. As if they knew better than he did what he needed.

He descended to just under a thousand feet as he reached the coordinates, passed by his destination, and circled back to align the plane with the narrow landing—if it could be called that. It was little more than a bumpy dirt road.

Every pilot he’d ever known shared the same saying: “Flying is easy. Landing is hard.”

He was about to see for himself how true it was.

Zero dipped the yoke and Cassandra descended, the ground coming up faster than he would have been comfortable with. It was tough, without the proper training, to determine just how close or far the


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