The Detox Prescription by Woodson Merrell

The Detox Prescription by Woodson Merrell

Author:Woodson Merrell
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Rodale
Published: 2013-04-16T16:00:00+00:00

Day 4 Mind-Body Detox


Today you get to add solid food back to the menu. After 3 days of liquids, texture is a big deal. Make the most of it by practicing mindful eating. What does that mean? Instead of gobbling down your food on autopilot, take the time to really notice it, savor it, experience it, and enjoy it. Studies have demonstrated that this is an effective tool in promoting weight loss and controlling diabetes. The more slowly you eat, the more likely you are to feel fully satisfied with your meal without having to overeat.

Before you even scoop a bite onto your fork, notice the colors, aromas, textures, and shapes of every little component of the dish you’re about to dig into—how they all work together to create a multisensory experience for your nourishment on every level. Take a small forkful, bring it up to your nose, and inhale deeply. What do you smell? Hold the fork up to your eyes: What do you see? When you put the food in your mouth, take a moment to touch it with your tongue. What do you feel?

Next, chew the food slowly, allowing the flavors to develop over time. Put the fork down between bites. Close your eyes. Tune out everything else except for the experience of chewing and tasting your food. No multitasking, no talking, watching TV, or checking your e-mail, no distractions of any sort. Swallow, then wait for 30 seconds before taking another bite to allow for a sensation of satiety to arise.

It may be impossible to eat every meal this way, especially when you’re eating with family, in restaurants, or at the office. But simply enjoying one meal a day in a mindful fashion can transform the way you experience and think about food.


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