She Lies Alone by Laura Wolfe

She Lies Alone by Laura Wolfe

Author:Laura Wolfe [Laura Wolfe]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781800190061
Publisher: Bookouture
Published: 2020-11-08T18:30:00+00:00



Amy logged out of the payment account, double-checking the spreadsheet to make sure all the numbers added up. She breathed in the chemical aroma of the front office, satisfied. She closed the document and saved it to the appropriate shared folder. Lopsided footsteps sounded from behind her, followed by labored breathing.

“Amy, I have an extra job for you today.”

“Okay,” Amy said, sucking in a deep breath as she rolled her chair away from the desk and turned toward Lydia. The office manager wore a loose cotton outfit resembling medical scrubs. Amy averted her gaze, realizing she preferred Phoebe’s macabre appearance over this woman’s complete lack of effort.

Lydia removed her drugstore reading glasses, letting them dangle from a cord around her neck. “We’re finalizing the student address book. Most families have opted in with at least a name and an email. We need to delete any blank cells and check for duplicates.”

“Got it.”

“Also, please double-check to make sure each grade is organized alphabetically by last name.”

“Will do.”

“Let me know if you have any questions.” Lydia turned away, obligated to greet a mom and son who’d entered the office.

Amy bit her lip. She doubted she’d have any questions regarding the remedial secretarial work Lydia had just dumped on her. Still, she would complete the task. She had decided to be successful at this job so, a year from now, she could add it to her résumé and move on to something more suited to her abilities. She located the file Lydia had sent and began to peruse the spreadsheet for any flaws, verifying her own contact information while she was at it.

As she scrolled through the eleventh graders, her eyes caught on the name Hasloff. She zeroed in on the line, curious to learn more about the boy who’d corrupted her daughter. Where did someone like him live? What kind of parents? She straightened her shoulders and glanced behind her, a rush of heat washing through her as she realized people were probably wondering the same thing about Phoebe.

According to the document, Rowan lived on Lindenwood Drive. Amy knew that street. It ran through the newer subdivision that backed up to the woods behind the high school, just a mile or two down the road from her own house. The tidy houses with neat lawns brimmed with kids and dogs. A few of Phoebe’s friends had lived in the same subdivision. She hadn’t expected Rowan to emerge from such a comfortable, vanilla setting.

Only one parent’s name was listed in the entry—Ryan Hasloff. Rowan’s dad. He’d included an email but no phone number.

“To what do we owe the honor?” Lydia’s voice dripped with sarcasm, drawing Amy’s eyes from her screen. She turned in her chair to find Elena Mayfield leaning against the front desk, flashing her straight, pearly teeth, a thick folder pinned under her arm. In contrast to Lydia, Elena was dressed in a flowing skirt and heels, a fashionable scarf securing her shiny hair back into a low ponytail.

Elena’s eyes held onto Lydia in some sort of challenge.


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