Run Time by Catherine Ryan Howard

Run Time by Catherine Ryan Howard

Author:Catherine Ryan Howard
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Blackstone Publishing
Published: 2022-06-22T22:33:02+00:00


Darkness is falling fast; the forest is already thick with it. Rain makes a PITTER-PATTER sound on the leaves and the ground.

Kate takes off running across the gravel, each step CRUNCHING, the beam of her torch sweeping back and forth across the ground.


Kate reaches the muddy, uneven ground of the dirt track, muting her footsteps. She stumbles and trips but doesn’t fall. A dense forest looms on either side of the track, pitch black beyond the narrow beam of her torch.

The rain and wind worsen. Drenching sheets whip against Kate’s face, getting into her eyes, flattening her hair. She slows, her breathing more labored, her gait increasingly flailing and desperate, until suddenly –

Kate falls face first onto the ground and, simultaneously, the torchlight disappears.

A beat passes.

We see Kate then, lit only by moonlight, lying on the ground, submerged from the knees down in a pothole filled with cloudy water. She winces and groans as she pulls herself up onto her knees and out of the water. She looks for the torch –


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