Run Away - A Thriller (Jon Stanton Mysteries) by Victor Methos

Run Away - A Thriller (Jon Stanton Mysteries) by Victor Methos

Author:Victor Methos [Methos, Victor]
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub
Published: 2014-04-05T04:00:00+00:00


The morning light bothered him. Richard rolled one way on the bed then the other. But no matter where he was, he couldn’t get comfortable. The alarm clock went off, and he slammed it with his fist, but it kept beeping. So he unplugged it and pushed it off the nightstand.

Inhaling deeply, he fixed his eyes on the ceiling. He couldn’t help but think that things had gone from bad to worse. The police were involved, and that creepy detective had sat right next to him and stared at his face without even blinking. Richard hadn’t known a single person could unnerve him like that. Even Sharon’s father, the most intimidating man Richard had ever met, could be dealt with in his own way. But that detective’s gaze had bored into Richard’s head, and he’d lost his cool. Clearly, the detective knew he was hiding something.

Richard finally rose to get ready for the day. He liked to have music on when he dressed. That was, at least when Sharon wasn’t home to yell at him about it. He turned on Mozart’s Serenade and took his time browsing the plethora of suits hanging in his closet.

He finally settled on the gray pinstripe, along with a white-and-black tie, a white-and-black shirt, and a white pocket square. Because his work was almost all transactional, he could wear whatever he wanted to the office, but he always preferred to wear a suit—like the partners did.

The sting his last conversation had about making partner came back to him, and he had to forcibly push it out of his mind. On top of everything else, he’d just realized he was in a dead-end job.

He sat at the table by himself, eating fruit and drinking sparkling water. He thought of Eliza. She was out there with those men, whom he knew nothing about, except that they would do anything for money. But she would be fine. They wouldn’t hurt her. They had to know they wouldn’t see a dime if they laid a finger on her. And once everything was said and done, he and Eliza would have all the money they could want to do whatever in the world they felt like doing.

After breakfast, Richard cleaned the dish and glass then went outside. The police were gone. He walked to the sidewalk where the Cummings boy’s blood was still spattered on the pavement. His bike was gone.

Such a shame. He’d been a friendly boy. Several times, he’d stopped for Richard as he was backing the Cadillac out of the driveway rather than racing past him as most boys would. But that was life, Richard guessed. No one ever achieved anything without somebody getting hurt.

The drive into the office was pleasant, despite the knot in his gut. He grabbed a latté on the way into work then strolled into the office as if nothing were wrong. No one said anything to him, and he, at least that day, preferred it that way.

He shut the door and sat at his desk.


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