Family Obligations by Matt Simons

Family Obligations by Matt Simons

Author:Matt Simons
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Nightststand Matt
Published: 2023-04-25T12:24:14+00:00



“Alright,” I say to the camera. “This is Angel Luna Molina. At three in the afternoon on September third, 2010. First full-scale test for the worm hole.” I wish I didn’t look sleep deprived for this historic moment.

After over a year of constant work, to have finally reached a full-scale test run. I spent my entire summer almost living at the university physics lab, running simulation after simulation to develop this machine. Then I spent my freshmen year of high school going directly from school to building this device. Mom wouldn’t let me drop out to pursue my destiny, so I’ve been operating on very little sleep and fueled by my new love of coffee. Professor Knight kept saying more would get done if I would simply leave my precious notebook with him, but I will not leave the answers to absolute power with anyone. They were entrusted to me and me alone. I only have two more years until Jason’s prophesized apocalypse in 2012. All my work has culminated in this moment, the test that will change everything.

My machine is a large spherical cage of rebar welded together, thanks to Francisco. He needed work experience as a welder before the city would hire him, so it was beneficial for both of us. I have attached an energy emitter pointed straight at another emitter of the same energy. There are emitters of radiation, light, sound, and power, all to Jason’s specifications. The idea is that with all these energies pointed at themselves, colliding in the center, we should be able to simulate the same amount of force that sent Jason through time and space. With a constant amount of energy flowing, we should see an actual portal open into another universe.

I retreat into a lead-lined room with my old math teacher, Mr. Lock, who refused to not be involved even though I have no idea what he does other than always looking over my shoulder to examine my work. Professor Knight preps the control panel. With this much power being funneled into one spot, it would be unwise to be able to turn it on with a single button. That would likely result in an overload of power.

I am very thankful for the professor’s help. He has been the sponsor of this project, getting it green lit by the university and getting the money needed to fund this whole thing. Even though it wasn’t enough, causing us to cut corners like using old machines instead of state-of-the-art technology. But it should be fine as long as the math still adds up correctly.

The machine slowly sparks to life and a small point of light begins forming in the center.

“It’s working! Holy shit, it’s working! I am the chosen one!”

But nothing more happens. It should be growing bigger as energy flows. Then sparks shoot from the control board.

“No!” we all yell in unison.

The board shorts out and the light fades. It wasn’t enough. Why wasn’t it enough? What went wrong? I will have to take the machine apart to find what went wrong.


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