A Late-Start Tamer’s Laid-Back Life: Volume 10 [Complete] by Yuu Tanaka

A Late-Start Tamer’s Laid-Back Life: Volume 10 [Complete] by Yuu Tanaka

Author:Yuu Tanaka
Language: eng
Format: epub

“Dang, there’s a lot of people here!”


A large group of players were gathered around the perimeter of the prehistoric pond, likely here for the same reason we were.

“Oh, Silver-Haired!”

“Amelia, your party’s as unbalanced as ever...”

“Tee hee hee. Don’t worry, they can fight!”

From in front of the prehistoric pond, Amelia, a friend and fellow Tamer, called out to me. She was a true lover of cute things, and was an especially big fan of rabbits and gnomes. People called her the Rabbit-Gnome Tamer, and I could understand why, all things considered. Aside from the two rabbits riding her shoulders, the rest of her party was made up of gnomes.

Incidentally, Amelia had changed classes to a Commander Tamer, and she had four gnomes: a Gnome Farmer, Knocker, Gnome Fighter, and Gnome Leader. I shuddered at how unbalanced her party was. She had really indulged in her own preferences too much.

“Are you here for the titan arum too, Silver-Haired?”

“Yeah, I am. Has it bloomed?”

“Not yet. But a countdown appeared showing five hours on the clock, so it’ll probably bloom at the end of that?”

“Ah, I see.”

A screen had appeared in front of the still-closed titan arum, displaying a digital countdown. Meaning, once the flower bloomed, it would start up some type of event. I was sure that was when the demon would make its assault.

“So I guess that means we have to finish up anything else we want to do before then?” I mused.

“Yeah, seems like it. I’m about to go Ptera hunting. I’m light on materials, and I want to get more to upgrade my gear.”

“You too?”

“You’re doing the same, Silver-Haired?”

“Yeah. I haven’t beaten any Pteras yet, so I wanted to make sure I did at least once.”

“Okay then, why don’t we go together? I hunted them yesterday too, so I can give you some pointers.”

“Really? If you do, I can pay you for the info.”

Advice from a fellow Tamer was a very valuable thing.

“No need.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah! I get to go on an adventure with Olto! I should be paying you! Right, Olto?”


“Awww, you cutie pie!”

As long as Amelia was fine with it, then it was fine with me too. Maybe I can give her some sashimi in lieu of an information fee?

And so, Amelia and I headed to the cliff where, together, we made short work of the Pteras.

“Amelia! It’s all you!”

“Okay! Wind Cutter!”


After we knocked down an Event Ptera to the ground, Amelia delivered the finishing blow, which had quickly become a practiced pattern. This was our tenth one. Pteras were extremely weak anyway. Just based on their stats, they were probably the weakest creatures on this Prehistoric Island. Since they were Pterosaurs, they could fly, but a single hit from even one of my spells made them fall, and once they’d been dragged down to the ground, it was possible to dispatch them without taking any damage.

The reason hunting Pteras was said to be difficult despite that was because you had to fight on the narrow footing of the cliff, which made it hard to attack, and to evade the Pteras’ attacks.


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