Woman of His Heart by Donna Fasano

Woman of His Heart by Donna Fasano

Author:Donna Fasano [Fasano, Donna]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781939000606
Publisher: Hard Knocks Books
Published: 2019-10-14T16:00:00+00:00


Lyssa woke the next morning in a tangle of sheets, the cotton soft against her naked skin. Memories flooded her brain, sensual images flashed, soft caresses and moans, breathless sighs, strokes and touches that left her weak. A languid smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Yes, last night would be unforgettable, indeed!

She looked over toward Dakota’s side of the bed, the mere sight of his broad, muscular back rekindling the embers of her desire. But she decided it was too early to wake him. He had patients to treat today. He needed his rest. Especially since he’d performed so well—and so long—last night. Lyssa couldn’t stifle her grin.

Lyssa started when his cell rang. Dakota groped for and picked up the phone, identifying himself. After listening for only a moment, he sat up on the edge of the mattress.

She rose up on one elbow. “What is it, Dakota?”

His back was still to her and he tensed at the sound of her voice. Whatever the matter was, it must be serious as he didn’t respond to her query.

“How long has she been in the E.R.?” he asked of whomever it was on the other end of the phone line.

Dakota leaned over as he talked and snatched up the clothing he’d discarded so carelessly last night.

“Okay, who’s with her?” he asked. “No, I mean which doctor.” He clutched the waistband of his pants in his free hand and struggled into them. “Good. She knows what she’s doing. Do you know how many of the berries Grace ate?” Another slight pause. “Okay, just sit tight and I’ll be right there.”

Lyssa realized suddenly that Dakota hadn’t turned to face her once. Hadn’t acknowledged her presence. He hadn’t even looked at her. A strange reserve came over her and she pulled the sheet up high to cover herself.

He tucked the phone into his pocket and headed for the door.

“Hey,” she called out to him. “What’s going on?”

“Mat’s daughter,” he said, but he’d already disappeared down the hallway.

“Your niece ate some berries? What kind of berries?” She sat up, pinning the sheet to her tightly. She called out, “Is she okay?”

“Don’t know.”

Water ran in the bathroom sink, and she heard the sounds of him scrubbing his teeth.

“Seems yesterday in school,” he called, “Grace learned how the Kolheeks used to live off the land, foraging for their food. She got up this morning and decided she’d do the same. Mat found her with red berry juice all over her clothes. She was standing in a bunch of poke weed.”

“That’s poisonous,” she breathed even though she knew he’d never hear her comment. Concern chilled her body and goose bumps erupted on her skin.

He bustled back into the room, opening the closet and jerked a clean shirt from its hanger. She watched him stuff his arms into the sleeves, straighten the collar, fasten the buttons.

Still he didn’t look in her direction. Anxiety for the little girl mingled inside her along with a niggling doubt about last night. Why


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