Warcraft®: Day of the Dragon by Richard A. Knaak

Warcraft®: Day of the Dragon by Richard A. Knaak

Author:Richard A. Knaak
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Published: 2021-07-15T00:00:00+00:00


Lord Prestor’s ascension seems almost inevitable,” the shadowy form in the emerald sphere informed Krasus. “He has an almost amazing gift of persuasion. You are correct; he must be a wizard.”

Seated in the midst of his sanctum, Krasus eyed the globe. “Convincing the monarchs will require much evidence. Their mistrust of the Kirin Tor grows with each day … and that can only also be the work of this would-be king.”

The other speaker, the elder woman from the inner council, nodded back. “We’ve begun watching. The only trouble is, this Prestor proves very elusive. He seems able to enter and leave his abode without us knowing.”

Krasus pretended slight surprise. “How is that possible?”

“We don’t know. Worse, his chateau is surrounded by some very nasty spellwork. We almost lost Drenden to one of those surprises.”

That Drenden, the baritoned and bearded mage, had nearly fallen victim to one of Deathwing’s traps momentarily dismayed Krasus. Despite the man’s bluster, the dragon respected the other mage’s abilities. Losing Drenden at a time like this could have proven costly.

“We must move with caution,” he urged. “I will speak with you again soon.”

“What are you planning, Krasus?”

“A search into this young noble’s past.”

“You think you’ll find anything?”

The hooded wizard shrugged. “We can only hope.”

He dismissed her image, then leaned back to consider. Krasus regretted that he had to lead his associates astray, if only for their own good. At least their intrusions into Deathwing’s “mortal” affairs would have the result of distracting the black. That would give Krasus a bit more time. He only prayed that no one else would risk themselves as Drenden had done. The Kirin Tor would need their strength intact if the other kingdoms turned on them.

His own excursion to visit Malygos had ended with little sense of satisfaction. Malygos had promised only to consider his request. Krasus suspected that the great dragon believed he could deal with Deathwing in his own sweet time. Little did the silver-blue leviathan realize that time no longer remained for any of the dragons. If Deathwing could not be stopped now, he might never be.

Which left Krasus with one much undesired choice now.

“I must do it …” He had to seek out the other great ones, the other Aspects. Convince one of them, and he might still gain Malygos’s sworn aid.

Yet, She of the Dreaming ever proved a most elusive figure … which meant that Krasus’s best bet lay in contacting the Lord of Time—whose servants had already rejected the wizard’s requests more than once.

Still, what else could he do but try again?

Krasus rose, hurrying to a bench upon which many of the items of his calling stood arranged in vials and flasks. He scanned row upon row of jars, eyes quickly passing chemicals and magical items that would have left his counterparts in the Kirin Tor greatly envious, and more than a little curious as to how he could have obtained many of the articles in question. If they ever realized just how long he


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