The woman king by Dana stevens

The woman king by Dana stevens

Author:Dana stevens
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Saint John


You see it through rose-colored glasses. Why do you think the

King’s Guards are all women? Because he trusts no man.

Malik looks at Ghezo, who turns his attention to NAWI and the other trainees, armed and ready, oiled for battle, their skin shining.

Ghezo addresses the trainees. This is the closest they have ever been to their charismatic and handsome King.


There will be one last test. A war game. We will see which of you are fit to be called Agojie.

He gestures to an obstacle course set up; a wall of HUGE BRAMBLES, the size of cars, A FENCE OF THORNS, and behind it a mud pit -- rising out of that, A WALL of soil and stone, fifteen feet high.

ON NAWI... her heart stopping. She has to do that?

Malik watches Izogie and Tara lead the trainees off, and now it is Ferreira’s turn to present to the King. Ghezo embraces his old friend. They speak in Portuguese --


Too long, Santo! You hide yourself!


Your Portuguese is flawless, Your Majesty. You have been practicing.

Nanisca and the Migan, Amenza and her male counterpart, the AJAHE -- all watch this reunion of Ferreira and Ghezo. The Migan leans in to Nanisca.


I do not like this Captain. Puffed up like a banty rooster.


Finally we agree.

The generals share a look, as Ferreira makes a showy bow and offers HIS SPYGLASS as a gift to the King. Malik bows as well -- offers an ORNATE ENGLISH SWORD.


This is Malik. His mother was taken from Dahomey as a captive and enslaved in my country.

Ghezo is stricken by this. He speaks to Malik in Fonbe.


My mother was also taken. Sold away by my own brother. I have men in your country searching for her. They will bring her back. Perhaps they can bring your mother too...


My mother is dead.

(this affects Ghezo) It was her dying wish that I come here, to her home. The only place that she was ever free.



Then it is also your home. We welcome you.


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