The Trouble With Scots by Eliza Lloyd

The Trouble With Scots by Eliza Lloyd

Author:Eliza Lloyd [Lloyd, Eliza]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Romance, Historical, Scottish, Victorian, Paranormal, Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), Historical Romance
Amazon: B00RH9X496
Publisher: EMRA Publishing LLC
Published: 2015-01-20T00:00:00+00:00

* * * * *

They rode into the courtyard, the clop, clop of hooves the only sound between them. Gellie would need to get used to the fact Eadan’s family seemed to congregate everywhere—a group of them watched as they strode toward the stable door.

Eadan reached for her and pulled her from the saddle.

“By Saint Eligius. I’m seeing a miracle,” Finley said. “Ye let her ride Lady Winslett? She’s lucky to be alive.” Finley’s admiration put him one step too close to Lady Winslett and she turned her head to snap at him. He avoided a bite but nearly lost the sleeve of his shirt. “Ye cursed bitch. Ye best step away, sister.”

“She’s a fine ride,” Gellie said, wrapping her hand underneath Lady Winslett’s powerful head. She pressed her face against the horse’s and patted the soft skin at her nose. “May I ride her again?” she asked Eadan.

“If ye promise—”

“To take Finley or Tavish. I will.”

“Finley, take Her Majesty down to the stables. Gordy will take care of her.”

“That misbegotten bitch? She’ll probably trample me.”

“Take her with my stallion. She won’t be paying any attention to ye,” Eadan said.

“Lady Winslett knows you don’t like her,” Gellie said, fondly patting the horse one last time.

“And she couldna be more right.”

Eadan escorted Gellie into the house and then ordered two of his nephews to haul hot water upstairs for her. A bath sounded nice. She was stiff and tired after the extended ride. And wrecked from the emotion of wandering for hours in the middle of nowhere.

Tamra approached, rubbing her hands against a towel. “Is it true? Ye rode Lady Winslett? Ye’ll be canonized for sure.” All Gellie could do was smile.

“Aya, ’tis true. A finer horsewoman I’ve yet to see,” Eadan said.

“Well, scared us all, ye did, but I knew ye’d be back, safe and sound. I’ll have tea and food sent up,” Tamra said.

Gellie didn’t understand the complete acceptance she had from his family. Did they not know she had been kidnapped and forced—mostly forced—to marry him? It was as if they had known her and had waited with open arms to meet her.

Or else it was the strangest dream ever.

They did not question her motives in this arrangement. Why was that? Most family members would be highly suspicious of an interloper, especially when money was a consideration.

She kicked off her remaining shoe, hoping it would get lost under the large bed and never be seen again.

She wished Eadan would leave her alone for a bit.

Instead, he turned her around and began to work at the ties of her skirt. “We need to talk about this, lass.”

“What else do I have to promise?”

“’Tis nae that. We need to talk about us. You’re my wife now. In Scotland, the anvil is as good as St. George’s in London. I’ve been thinking we should consummate this marriage now. I would have matters settled. Ye would know I am serious, that this marriage to ye is no whim. And I would know ye mean to stay.


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