epub |eng | 2024-11-02 | Author:Sophia Sabbioni [Sabbioni, Sophia]

( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-11-02 | Author:Rebecca Jo Jackson [Jackson, Rebecca Jo]

My kitchen suddenly felt tiny once Jordan with his miles of broad shoulders and long legs was standing inside it. I tried to calm my excited little heart bouncing around ...
( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-08-09 | Author:Elle Douglas

( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-11-02 | Author:Chrissy Hopewell [Hopewell, Chrissy]

8 ADRIAN The lights are on and the remaining kids are waiting out front for their rides. It’s just the vendors packing up their equipment and late volunteers cleaning up ...
( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-11-02 | Author:K.M. Gillis [Gillis, K.M.]

( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-11-02 | Author:M.L. Philpitt [Philpitt, M.L.]

SEVEN SAINT For the first time ever, I want to kill someone. Murder. Destruction. Mayhem. The entire nine yards, all so I can keep her safe. Hayley. No other name ...
( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-10-16 | Author:J Wine [Wine, J]

Chapter 12 Gaining An Ally Emily I paced in front of the bed, angry, my hands flailing around, not understanding any of the words that I was muttering. How dare ...
( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-10-17 | Author:Megan Linden [Linden, Megan]

CHAPTER FOURTEEN "I wouldn't mind finding out how it goes. With the—the coming out and all." It probably took the entire walk back to his parents' house before Ryan stopped ...
( Category: Christmas December 3,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-10-17 | Author:Kayla Grosse [Grosse, Kayla]

Chapter 24 Fox Nathan kneels next to my wife, and it’s a beautiful sight. He flounders, trying to decide what to do once he’s there, his eyes bouncing to the ...
( Category: Holidays December 2,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-09-04 | Author:Camilla Isley [Isley, Camilla]

19 NINA He’s sleeping on me. His head resting on my chest, one arm possessively wrapped around my waist, our legs intertwined under the sheets. The soft rhythm of Tristan’s ...
( Category: Christmas November 27,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-07-23 | Author:Caitlin Crews

CHAPTER SEVEN ANAX LOOKED UP from a long, satisfyingly brutal stretch of hours at his desk to find his sister haunting his doorway. He sat back, glancing at his watch ...
( Category: Christmas November 22,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-07-24 | Author:Dani Collins

CHAPTER TEN ELOISE WAS STILL distracted by that glimpse into Konstantin’s psyche as she followed him out to the sitting room. He let in the jeweler who introduced himself as ...
( Category: Christmas November 22,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-07-24 | Author:Pippa Roscoe

* * * Santo held his arm out to Amita. The new stepdaughter of one of the few men here he could almost bring himself to respect, Santo had promised ...
( Category: Christmas November 22,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-11-02 | Author:Belle, Leann

Chapter 9 I sat atop the highest cliff in my domain, watching Caroline from my superior vantage point. It was a joy observing the way she built herself a small ...
( Category: Christmas November 20,2024 )
epub |eng | 2024-04-11 | Author:Cassidy Berg [Berg, Cassidy]

❠Chapter 8 ❠Chloe steps out of the library, her heart full and her mind buzzing with the possibilities of the future. The crisp winter air fills her lungs, ...
( Category: Christmas November 17,2024 )