The Earl's Wager for a Lady by Helen Dickson

The Earl's Wager for a Lady by Helen Dickson

Author:Helen Dickson
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2022-07-15T16:23:49+00:00

Chapter Seven

Eve looked at her sisters’ faces, filled with curiosity. She must have shown signs of the elation Maxim’s company always seemed to inspire in her.

‘Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather when he turned up. I knew it, Eve,’ Sarah said. ‘He has a special interest in you. I just know it.’

‘I’m afraid you might be right, Sarah. He’s invited me to go to the theatre tomorrow night.’

Incredulous, Judith—Eve’s senior by ten years, and more strait-laced than any of her sisters—stopped what she was doing. ‘And?’

‘And what, Judith?’

‘Surely you are not going to accept the invitation?’

‘Why shouldn’t I? It will be fun. I’m looking forward to it.’

‘And will there be just the two of you?’ Sarah asked, as incredulous as Judith.

‘I believe so, Sarah,’ she said, rolling her eyes with frustration. ‘Lord Levisham has merely invited me to the theatre, so don’t go making more of it than that. I am not about to do something that will put me outside the pale of society and bring disgrace and shame to my family.’

‘And you are on first-name terms, I noted,’ Judith remarked.

‘Why yes, Judith. But you must believe me when I say that my familiar use of Lord Levisham’s first name—and he of mine—does not denote any further degree of familiarity.’

‘Would you not consider taking me along?’ Sarah said teasingly. ‘You could always pass me off as your chaperone.’

Eve laughed lightly. ‘Thank you, Sarah, but I don’t need a chaperone any more. I’m a twenty-three-year-old widow with a three-year-old child. The restrictions that apply to unmarried young ladies no longer apply to me. In fact, the freedom to do just as I like is a relief, and I intend to enjoy myself before I have to return to Surrey.’

‘And you really don’t need a chaperone?’ Sarah pressed with mock disappointment. ‘I rather fancy a night out at the theatre.’

Eve laughed. ‘No, Sarah. I really can take care of myself. And don’t worry. I promise to act with the utmost discretion.’


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