Heart Surgeon's Second Chance by Allie Kincheloe

Heart Surgeon's Second Chance by Allie Kincheloe

Author:Allie Kincheloe
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2020-01-08T16:15:48+00:00


Patrick and his mom slipped in while Rhiann had her back turned and was talking to someone else. His mom had dropped a folded check in the collection bucket, hiding the amount from easy view, but he was sure it was a nice amount.

He had the distinct impression that any check he put into the donation bin with his name on it would never be cashed, though, so he’d pulled out cash and made his contribution in five crisp hundreds.

The paramedic taking the money had widened his eyes at the amount, grinning when Patrick made the shh sign with his finger over his lips.

They grabbed their plates of spaghetti and he guided his mother to a couple empty seats at a table in the back. By the time they’d settled down to eat, the circle of people around Rhiann had grown.

The dress she wore was in an ideal shade for her. Even from across the room he knew it was a perfect match for her emerald-green irises. Her smile was bright and wide, but a hint of tears sparkled in her eyes, visible even from across the large room.

Patrick wanted to take her in his arms and wipe all evidence of tears away. To tell her that a fundraiser wasn’t necessary, because he was willing and able to provide for all of Levi’s needs. Even if wanting to do that, wanting her and Levi, stabbed like a white-hot knife in betrayal to his wife and daughter.

When Rhiann turned in his direction he lowered his head and avoided her gaze. Twirling spaghetti with a plastic fork, he glanced up quickly to make sure Rhiann wasn’t coming over to their table.

“You’re trying to avoid her,” his mother stated, accusation high in her voice. She swatted his arm and her glare could have boiled water. “John Patrick Scott—what have you done now?”

“Shh...” He took a bite of spaghetti and waved a hand toward the woman currently with the microphone. “I wanna hear this.”

“We will talk about whatever stupid thing you’ve done this time.”

He was glad he was surrounded by firefighters and paramedics in case his mother decided to act on the anger in her eyes. At least here, if she tried to kill him, someone should have the skill to bring him back.

He lowered his gaze again and pushed the pasta around on his paper plate. But he wasn’t really seeing the food. His attention was focused on the outpouring of love surrounding Rhiann.

A steady chain of people were coming through the door, dropping money in the collection bucket and showing how much Rhiann meant to them with their presence. Men, women, even children were walking up to a makeshift podium and saying their piece. Each one shared a personal emotional story of just how much Rhiann had positively affected their very existence.

Rhiann wasn’t just someone who flitted briefly into people’s lives and then out on the next breeze. She made a difference to them. A life-changing difference.

Patrick listened to memory after memory crossing their lips as they recounted the day when she’d saved a life or rescued a loved one.


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