Fall into Darkness: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Fire and Shadow# 2) by Skyler Andra

Fall into Darkness: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (Fire and Shadow# 2) by Skyler Andra

Author:Skyler Andra [Andra, Skyler]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-06-26T16:00:00+00:00


I pulled up outside a fish-processing factory. Excellent cover for the sordid and illegal operation hiding inside. My nose wrinkled with disgust as I navigated my way through the machines, the heads, beady eyes, and entrails of fish on display in trolleys lying around. Workers with shifty eyes examined me. I didn’t look at them as I made my way to the door at the back.

Throughout the years, I visited various establishments like this, all owned by a US conglomerate. I played cards in the illegal casinos operating behind all the filth. Each time I’d won handsomely, pocketing a few hundred thousand to tide the angels over for half a year. Of course, I didn’t keep it all. I distributed it equally to all the angels for living, travel, and all other expenses.

But I always donated part of my winnings—at least fifty thousand each time—to various charities. A children’s home, woman’s domestic violence shelter, and animal rescue organization. Small good deeds in comparison to all my sins.

I eased the factory door open and entered a short hall flooded in red light. Security stood at the end of the corridor. Armed with at least three weapons by the ping of my angelic senses. Two guns in holsters tucked under their coats, one on the holster hanging from their hips. Knives strapped to their legs. Inside the room, there’d be many more guards, one in every corner, one by every table—each ready to throw out any patron that displeased the owner when they couldn’t pay their debt or caused trouble.

“Red velvet sheets,” I gave the guards the password.

The first one nodded at me. “Name?” he croaked.

God, he looked too old for this shit. Like he’d been in one too many fights in his life, his nose crooked after being broken, teeth missing, ugly lumps all over his forehead. I bet he’d only taken this gig only for the pay.

“Reginald Dwight,” I replied with my moniker. Trust them to give me fucking Elton John. A flamboyant, tantrum throwing, asshole of a singer. God, if Zak found out about this, I’d never hear the end of it.

The guard scrolled through the names on his list. “We appreciate your patronage, Mr. Dwight.”

The second guard sprang into action. An even uglier fellow with a face that look like it had emerged from one of the meat grinders back in the factory. “Declare your weapons and leave them here, sir.”

I almost laughed in his face at the irony of the request. But I humored him as he ran a metal detector over my body and patted me down. That technology would never detect an angelic weapon.

“Clear, Mr. Dwight,” the guard advised. “You may enter.”

I nodded, having no doubts that they’d refuse me.

“Have a pleasant evening,” the other guard said. “Thank you for your custom.”

Such polite manners for a security crew that wouldn’t hesitate to blow my brains out if the owner ordered them too.

Determined to win, I entered into the establishment, immediately hit by the extravagance. Yellow tinted chandeliers cast a dim glow over the entire room.


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