Disturbing the Water: Thirteen original ghost stories concerning fish, fishing and fishy places by Peter Wise

Disturbing the Water: Thirteen original ghost stories concerning fish, fishing and fishy places by Peter Wise

Author:Peter Wise [Wise, Peter]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Cranthorpe Millner Publishers
Published: 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00


The colour drained from Jason’s knuckles as his hands gripped the rails of the Marilla Elyse. Downcast, he stared at where the light blue paint on the side of the boat had chipped away to reveal flecks of dirty white beneath. Intermittent whirls of spray gave his face an unwelcome saline rinse. His shoulders were hunched, his mouth slackly open, and every few seconds his lower jaw dropped lower still. But nothing issued from within save the occasional groan.

“For God’s sake, Jason, if you’re going to be sick, then be sick. Otherwise sit back on the deck or go and lie down in the cabin or something.” Bryan shook his head and turned his attention back to the wheel. “Look at you, swaying back and forth like a piss artist. Make sure you don’t get anything down the side of my boat. Just as well you’re not on one of those ships heading for the Falklands. Never mind fighting the Argies – the journey alone would finish you off.”

A feeble groan acknowledged the request and Jason lifted his head to look over his shoulder. “It’s OK, I’ll be all right in a minute.”

“Have a cup of tea. Or a nice egg sandwich. Mum put in plenty of salad cream. Mmm!”

This had the desired effect of making Jason feel nauseous once more, and he turned back to look over the handrail and down at the grey-green undulating sea.

“Leave him be, Bryan. He’ll be OK soon, he’s always like this to start with,” said Johnno.

“Yeah, I know. You’ll be all right, won’t you, bruv?” Bryan poked his head out of the wheelhouse again to look at his brother. “Come on, we’ve got some serious fishing to do here, and you wouldn’t want to miss out, would you?”

“You should save it for chumming for the sharks, Jason,” said Johnno. “They’ll home in on that from miles away.” Everyone laughed. Johnno always seemed to come up with the best lines.

“No sharks today, boys, as you well know,” said Bryan. “We’re nearly at the wreck. Only located it a few days ago. Got lucky – saw it on the sonar. Don’t think anyone else knows about it.”

“Where are we going anyway?” asked Dev, looking at Bryan. A little shyer than the others, he was frequently the butt of teasing, not least because he had only just moved with his family to Cornwall. His colour and background served to set him apart in a community whose makeup was little different from medieval times.

“Nearly there now,” replied Bryan. He paused to check the dials in front of him and the stuttering patterns on the depth finder.

“Well, I’m looking forward to it,” said Johnno. “Tom doesn’t know what he’s missing. What’s he up to anyway?”

“He’s with his dickhead brother, isn’t he? They got a job painting some hull or other. Said he might be out later, though, in their dad’s boat.”

“So we might see him later?”

“I hope not. Don’t get me wrong, Tom’s a good guy, and he’s always welcome, but not if he’s with his brother.


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