Chains of Fate by Tam Delakor

Chains of Fate by Tam Delakor

Author:Tam Delakor [Delakor, Tam]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2024-05-02T00:00:00+00:00


“The shadows of our past misdeeds are relentless. In the quietest corners of our existence, they patiently await their moment to enter the light, revealing the truths we’d rather keep hidden.”

Lady Runa Prïmad – 608 A.o.M.

Oberin stood still as a stone, watching the mesmerizing ballet of lights inside an ocean of flowing silver. Crann Bethadh was a sight like no other. His crown, made from the same sacred material, sat snuggly on his head. Like the other Prïmad, his was unique, with warm light tendrils playfully dancing in the smooth silver.

He’d often come to bask in the calming glow of the tree, his mind and soul worn from the dark deeds of the past. Only four others knew the weight he bore, yet none would dare speak of it for fear of confronting the parts they played. This place was the last refuge he had. Yet, something had shifted in the world recently.

Crann Bethadh had felt different, a strange aura radiating from within. No longer did it soothe his weary soul. Instead, the familiar light now filled him with apprehension. His mind raced as the memories of the dark time assaulted him day and night. Sleep evaded him, leaving him with nothing but the sorrow and pain of loss from actions he tried to justify. Actions that were the cause of his rightful damnation.

He’d sent out several envoys across the lands, hoping to discover the cause of the disturbance. Despite that, he still knew nothing. There was no one he could turn to, as anyone who discovered what he did would surely damn him to the bottomless pits of Ifrinn, and rightfully so. Day after day, since the disturbance began, he watched the swirling dance of the Godsbane. It was the last remnant of the Mháthair Bhanríon. He longed for her counsel, praying she would still watch over them from wherever she was.

His emerald eyes studied the tree, searching for the slightest sliver of comfort it once radiated. He hadn’t slept in weeks, the nightmares of horrible beasts and the pleading cries of an innocent woman keeping him from his bed. An icy wind blew past, causing the large, translucent wings on his back to tremble, breaking him from his trance. Looking around the clearing, he realized he was the only one left in Crann Bethadh’s faint light.

The shadows bobbed and flowed as if they had come alive while he’d been lost in thought. Something was wrong in his forest. Oberin studied the giant trees of Cairdeas that encircled the sanctum. Since he and the Mháthair Bhanríon created this place, many of her children would stay close to its warm embrace. Yet now, the forest was empty. There wasn’t a single Faeitle hovering above or sitting in the trees singing their praise for the Mháthair Bhanríon. He was utterly alone, and a deep shiver ran down his spine at the thought.

Movement from beyond the tree line caught his attention, and Oberin started forward. “Hello? Who’s there?”

The silence was deafening. Not even the fauna called out, making the emptiness of the forest feel complete.


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