Best Friend to Royal Bride by Annie Claydon

Best Friend to Royal Bride by Annie Claydon

Author:Annie Claydon
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2019-11-12T19:34:36+00:00


MARIE HAD DONE her part. She’d convinced her mother that this was exactly what Zack needed, and then the two of them had hauled him out of his room and given him little choice but to accept the plan. Zack, as always, had been accommodating and cheerful at the prospect of working for his keep and paying back the money he’d taken. Whether he would stick with it for more than a week would be the real test.

She’d called round to her mother’s house at seven-thirty the next morning and found Zack sorting through shirts, throwing them onto the bed. Marie gathered them up, putting them back onto their hangers.

‘Mum’s ironed all these.’

Sometimes she felt like a broken record, nagging Zack about everything. Like the grumpy big sister who squeezed all the joy out of his life.

‘Sorry, sis.’ Zack gave her a winning smile. ‘I just want to make a good impression. I don’t want to let you down.’

‘I’m not your problem.’ Zack knew she loved him, even though he did make her want to scream at times. ‘This is about not letting yourself down.’

‘Okay...’ Zack frowned at the line of shirts that Marie had put back into the wardrobe and then whipped out a checked shirt with a plain tie that matched one of the colours. ‘What about this?’

‘Perfect. My handsome little brother.’

‘I don’t want to look handsome. I want to look...contrite. Hard-working. That kind of thing.’ He pulled a face that indicated deep sorrow.

Marie rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t pull that one with me, Zack. I’m not Mum. You’re going to look nice because this is an interview, but just turning up and saying the right things isn’t going to get you off the hook. Afterwards is when you get to prove whether or not you’re contrite and hard-working.’

She got yet another of Zack’s dazzling smiles. That was his trouble; he never took anything too seriously. She was going to have to keep a close watch on him if he came to work at the clinic.

‘All right. Half an hour to get washed and dressed and have a shave. Then we’re leaving.’

Getting Zack to the clinic was a bit like getting a recalcitrant six-year-old to school. But at least he straightened up a bit and smiled cheerfully when Alex came out of his office and greeted him.

Alex whisked Zack and Sofia into his office, shutting the door firmly behind them. It wouldn’t do to listen at the door, so Marie returned to her office and frowned at the wall, fiddling with a pink paper clip.

After an hour, she called down to Reception, asking Tina to give her a buzz as soon as Alex was free. Zack might be blissfully free from interview nerves, but Marie couldn’t help worrying about him.


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