Artisan 2: Homestead by Hill Jason

Artisan 2: Homestead by Hill Jason

Author:Hill, Jason
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-04-20T00:00:00+00:00


You have created a Personalized Camping Ward. This ward will protect against attacks up to level 40 and heal wounds over time. The ward is bonded to Sally and Frank McRae. Only they can set up and take down the ward. Value 40000 crowns.

Leif dismissed the notice. “The ward is finished and all yours.”

“Even personalized, it’s worth 40000 crowns?” Frank asked. Leif nodded. “I expected personalizing it would cost more.”

“Same price and I’ll only charge you 10000,” Leif replied.

“But you had said you would charge half value before,” Sal said.

“I know,” Leif replied. “But I changed my mind.”

“I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but why?” Sal asked.

“I overheard your talk earlier about not being able to afford my work and your future child. “Congratulations by the way,” Leif answered, deciding honesty was best. “I found out while you were talking that my wards are able to do a bit more than I had planned.”

“Oh,” Frank said.

“The camping ward can cover this clearing and secure it in case you were wondering what size area it could cover,” Leif told them. “As for your house and shop, where are they?”

“In the village near the south gate,” Frank replied.

“Don’t worry about me warding them yet. I’m going to talk to Jeb and see if the village can afford to be warded. Don’t worry, I’ll give the village a discount,” Leif said. “If the village can afford it, then individual houses and businesses won’t need to be warded inside the village walls.”

“Why would you take away business from yourself?” John asked. “That doesn’t make good sense.”

“John!” Sal exclaimed in warning.

“He has a point,” Leif said. “But life is more important than money. And sometimes doing a good thing now can lead to greater rewards down the road.”

“Thank you,” Sal and Frank said. Sal hugged Leif.

“Uh, you’re welcome,” Leif replied, returning the hug. Being hugged by someone that wasn’t family or a girl he was involved with felt awkward, but the simple human contact also felt good at the same time and was something Leif felt he needed.

“Let me pay you and we’ll be out of your hair until your house is ready for us,” Sal said after pulling away from him.

“Sure. I’ll write out a bill of sale for you guys too,” Leif replied.

“You put your mark on the stakes,” Frank said after examining them. Leif smiled and nodded before writing out the bill of sale.


Leif considered what to do after supper. He could just relax and read for a bit, or he could work on the loft some more. After thinking about things, Leif decided he could also modify the enchantment on the wagon to make more of an area of effect around it instead of the shield it had now.

“That would let the wagon protect me away from it depending on the distance,” Leif muttered. That idea appealed to him in a major way since he would need more protection if he warded other people’s property. He walked to the wagon and used a little more Highlands Bobcat blood and a few drops of his blood on the wagon.


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