Dark Fantasy
azw3 |eng | 2010-04-01 | Author:Paul S. Kemp [Kemp, Paul S.]

Riven hurried through the streets, his left hand on a saber hilt, heading for the Foreign District. After he’d left the Zhents a few months earlier, he’d purchased a nondescript ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 16,2024 )
epub |eng | 2019-07-15 | Author:Mel Odom

FIFTEEN The service passed with liquid ease. Standing in the shadowed balcony that overlooked the parishioners, Buyard Cholik watched as the crowd fidgeted and waited through the singing and the ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 16,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2018-09-04 | Author:R. A. Salvatore [Salvatore, R. A.]

Chapter 13 Tendrils of Lolthian Chaos The halfling Wigglefingers found the man in an alley beside a tavern, one of five predetermined meeting spots for this most particular spy. “My ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 16,2024 )
mobi |eng | 2010-11-02 | Author:Richard Lee Byers [Byers, Richard Lee]

EIGHT 15 KYTHORN, THE YEAR OF THE AGELESS ONE (1479 DR) Scar gave a querulous rasp. He wanted to fly and fight with his brothers and sisters, not hide behind ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2010-03-18 | Author:Richard Baker [Baker, Richard]

The surface woodland proved to be a strange and disquieting place. As the party moved away from the clearing’s edge, the tangled underbrush vanished, leaving only an endless green hall ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2010-01-20 | Author:Richard Lee Byers [Byers, Richard Lee]

chapter nine 30 Mirtul–1 Kythorn, the Year of Risen Elfkin For the briefest of instants, the universe shattered into meaningless sparks and smears of light, and Bareris felt as if ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Matthew J. Kirby

( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2010-04-02 | Author:Lisa Smedman [Smedman, Lisa]

CHAPTER 8 Halisstra picked at the callus on her palm as she squatted on a ridge above the opening in the forest. At the center of the clearing, the dark ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | | Author:Nate Kenyon;

Cain found Leah still sitting cross-legged on the rock, staring at the valley below. He sat down next to her in silence and waited patiently for her to speak. “There ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2010-03-25 | Author:Erik Scott De Bie [De Bie, Erik Scott]

Greyt grinned. “Fear not, though, for the danger has passed,” he said. “Thanks to my efforts, the killer is in our hands and we shall question him to find—” “He ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
mobi |eng | 2011-05-31 | Author:Laurell K. Hamilton [Hamilton, Laurell K.]

tHe NeXt mORNINg, tHe SKY WaS aN UNReLIeVeD white that promised snow. Beneath that sky came Elaine’s horse, wandering back into camp without the slightest hint of apology for nearly ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
epub |eng | 2012-09-04 | Author:Erik Scott De Bie [Bie, Erik Scott de]

Shadowbane stood atop the long-defunct House of Spires and Shadows, perched like a hunting raptor among the statues of ancient heroes decorated with the cracks of age and spoor of ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2013-04-30 | Author:Keith Francis Strohm [Strohm, Keith Francis]

Durgoth Shem looked in disgust at the creature huddled before the small fire. The beast’s mottled yellow skin shimmered and pulsed sickeningly in the firelight. Thankfully, rotting leather armor covered ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2012-06-19 | Author:James Lowder [Lowder, James]

Soth sat crosslegged at the mouth of a small cave, watching the rain fall in cold, swollen drops. It beat a jarring, staccato rhythm on the ground around the mouth ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
azw3 |eng | 2012-10-09 | Author:Clayton Emery [Emery, Clayton]

Propped against a broken wall, tied with rawhide hand and foot, Amber moved only her eyes. Her thigh stung like hornets from the spear barb. Her shoulder and arm felt ...
( Category: Dark Fantasy July 15,2024 )
