23.Star.1989 by Steel Danielle

23.Star.1989 by Steel Danielle

Author:Steel, Danielle [Steel, Danielle]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Google: DmNkay9VrxsC
Publisher: Dell
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

You're not sorry, are you? He was always worried about her, but in a matter of hours there would be so little he could do for her. She was going to have to be strong while he was gone, and perhaps forever after that. But strength wasn't something she lacked. What he regretted was that there was no one to watch over her, as he would have liked to.

No, I'm not sorry. I love you too much to regret anything. She smiled at him. She looked peaceful and she seemed to have grown up even more in the two weeks she'd spent with him. She was comfortable with him, and their nights together had been filled with loving. I'm going to miss you so much though' And then, with worried eyes, Keep safe, Spencer ' don't let anything happen to you.

Nothing will, silly. I'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it. But neither of them knew what would happen when he did come back from Korea. There still didn't seem to be any easy answers, and maybe there never would be. But he wondered if perhaps, away from both of them, it would all come clearer to him. He knew he had to do something eventually. They couldn't go on like this forever. But he had made Crystal no promises about the future yet and she asked him for none now. She wanted nothing from him except what he'd given her in the two weeks since he'd found her on the street eating her ice cream on her birthday.

They went back to her room again, and made love for a last time, and there were tears in her eyes when he dressed. It hurt just seeing him in his uniform, and she walked stealthily downstairs when he left to drive back to Monterey, and stood outside on the front steps in bare feet and her nightgown.

Go back inside. I'll call you when I get there. He was whispering again. For two weeks they had successfully managed to elude Mrs. Castagna.

I love you. She choked on her tears as she said the words, and he held her close, wanting to imprint her on his mind and body forever he wanted her to remember him and the two weeks they had shared, in case he never came back at all. He was going to war after all, and God only knew what would happen.

I love you, Crystal. It was all he could say to her, as he hurried down the stairs and around the corner to the car he'd parked there. And a moment later, he waved as he drove away, and she walked silently upstairs to the room that was so empty without him. He was gone and she knew she might never see him again, and yet she knew that she would never forget him. He was too precious to her, too embedded in her heart ever to leave her now, no matter what happened.

He called her when he reached Monterey.


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