Wonders of the Heart by Ruth Scofield

Wonders of the Heart by Ruth Scofield

Author:Ruth Scofield
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Harlequin
Published: 2001-03-15T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eleven

Without school as her focus, Honor grew easily bored, complaining there was little to do alone in a high-rise apartment. The big city had curtailed the freedom she’d known in her childhood home, she complained. But at not-quite fifteen, Chad wasn’t about to let her go far without a companion.

That dictate curtailed Spring’s freedom, as well.

Spring tried assigning Honor to reading projects with only moderate success. They took long walks for exercise, took the promised trip to the Statue of Liberty, and visited other city sites. Leilani came along at times, but since she had to help her mother with her younger siblings, she couldn’t always go.

Spring, both patient and impatient, tried to balance the days with humor. But the wedding dress was in slow progress. A good deal of the sewing had to be done in stolen bits of time.

Spring did manage to hand-sew clusters of tiny pearls along the wide lace neckline during their evening hours of TV watching. She was aware of Chad’s gaze more than once, his attention straying her way from a magazine or one of his legal briefs.

One morning when Leilani visited, she’d given the girls a lesson on how to lay out a pattern when she cut the rose satin for her own maid of honor dress. They appeared intrigued and eager to see it complete, but not interested enough to get into a sewing project for themselves.

Spring racked her brain for additional activities to fill the summer. The dance class held Honor’s excitement well enough, as did the church teen Bible studies. Camp lay ahead like a carrot stick. The girls mentioned it only a dozen times a day.

Chad said nothing about her sewing, for which she was thankful. He came home most evenings by seven, often helping to clear away supper dishes. Then he would usually spend an hour or so at his desk catching up on work.

Yet, when the teen Bible study came round again, he changed into casual clothes and accompanied them. This time, Dana sat next to him, making him welcome before Josh began the evening.

And true to his promise, on Sunday after church, he pulled out and handed both Honor and Spring big square boxes. Inside each were identical pairs of skates, with knee and elbow pads crammed in the corners.

“Oh, Chad. You’re the best brother in the whole world!” Honor exclaimed. She stretched to kiss his cheek, catching him by surprise. “Thanks. These are great! I’m going to call Leilani.”

His eyes softening, he turned to Spring.

“Me?” Spring dropped her mouth, staring at him uncertainly as he offered her the skate box. She rose slowly from the window chair where she’d been threading a needle. “You bought me skates, too?”

“Said we’d all go, didn’t I?” He didn’t give a more complete explanation of why he’d included Spring in the proposed outing. He’d already dug into his closet for his skates and had changed into long shorts and a dark blue sweatshirt that had its arms and neck cut away.


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