What the Heart Sees by Kathleen Fuller

What the Heart Sees by Kathleen Fuller

Author:Kathleen Fuller
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: ebook, book
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Published: 2011-05-19T00:00:00+00:00

“Mr. Josiah!”

Clenching his jaw, Josiah stalked past Andrew and Thomas, ignoring their calling out his name. Bile clawed up his throat as the image of Amanda’s stricken expression rewound itself in his mind. He had finally gotten through to her, although it had nearly killed him to do it.

“Mr. Josiah, wait up!”

He continued to walk toward the barn. He had hurt her once again. Not physically, as he had yesterday, but deeply nevertheless. He had seen it on her face, heard it in the tone of her voice. Seen it in the tears she tried to keep from him.

For a split second he had thought to put his arms around her, to apologize for being so harsh. But he stopped himself. She said she’d leave him alone, and that was what he had wanted all along.

“Mr. Josiah!”

He spun around in front of the barn entrance. “What do you want?”

Both Andrew and Thomas shrank back. “We just wanted to know how we could help you today.”

“You can help by going home.”


“Geh! Get out of here!”

Andrew turned around and ran back to the house like he had flames licking at his heels. But Thomas didn’t move. His lower lip quivered, and his hazel eyes, the same color as Amanda’s, filled with tears.

Perfect. He’d made two innocent people cry today.

Thomas looked at him for a long moment, his shoulders slumped. He turned around, but unlike his brother, he didn’t run. Instead he walked slowly, each trudging step driving a knife deeper into Josiah’s heart.

“How dare you treat them that way!”

He looked up to see Amanda storming toward him. The sorrow he’d seen in her expression had been replaced with anger. Her fists pressed against her sides, she stopped short a few feet in front of him.

“All they wanted to do was help, Josiah. They look up to you, especially Thomas.”

“They shouldn’t.”

“You’re right. Not if you’re going to treat him like that.” She pressed her fingertips to her brow. “If you’re mad at me, fine, but they don’t deserve your taking it out on them.”

The sound of a horse’s hooves reached his ears. He looked down the length of his driveway to see a buggy approaching Amanda’s house. A superbly constructed buggy, outfitted with as much reflective tape as the Ordnung would allow. He knew whose it was.

Josiah had thought this day couldn’t get any worse. He had thought wrong.


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