Stolen Hood by The Grim Sisters

Stolen Hood by The Grim Sisters

Author:The Grim Sisters [Sisters, The Grim]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-10-30T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seventeen


Day 1

When I wake, my head is throbbing and my throat is dry as fuck. Like I've been lying in a tanning bed so long all the water in my body has dried up. Sitting up, my fuzzy vision finally clears and I take a look around. I’m glad to see the dead bodies have been cleared away, but I’m not ecstatic about my new surroundings. In fact, I don’t know what’s worse. He’s moved me to another location. An extremely warm location. It’s hotter than Hell in here, wherever the fuck he has me.

If I thought the whole dollhouse kitchen was fucked up, apparently Senator Reynolds has proven his insanity has no limits. Now he’s brought the whole damn house. I’m lying in a full size pink plastic sleigh bed. You know, the kind toddlers sleep in when they move up from the crib, but adult size. To my left is a white plastic dresser with a plastic book on top that says ‘Holy Bible’ on the cover. To my right is a white armoire left open, filled with 50’s style dresses and skirts hanging inside. The walls in the room I’m in are also made out of plastic, as well as the brown fake wood floor. An open window with sheer fluttering curtains (the only thing not plastic) in this hellhole calls my name, and I run over to it like it’s a life line until I see how dire my situation really is.

FYI, I’m fucked.

I don’t see anything but green. Trees, trees, and more trees, for as far as the eye can see greets me. I can hear the loud sounds of the jungle surrounding me, and more than once I wonder where the fuck am I. This is too unreal, like Reynolds took a dollhouse, made it adult size, and perched it on top of the tallest tree in his backyard. A fucking plastic tree house. I can’t even make this shit up folks.

I may be small and agile, but even I can’t fit through this tiny ass window, no matter how I contort my body. It’s like it's placed here to taunt me.

“Fuck,” I scream. Just to make myself feel better.

Stepping away from the window, I walk through the open doorway to the bathroom. Yes, my freaking plastic prison has a bathroom with a real plastic toilet that empties out to a bucket, and a yellow plastic standing sink. Flush to the wall is one of those pretty clawfoot tubs, but this one is plastic with yellow duck feet. In fact, the whole bathroom is decorated in the whole rubber ducky motif. Understandably creeped out, I leave the weird bathroom. Besides a small powder blue plastic round table with matching white chairs, thankfully body free, there's nothing else in here. Nothing I can use to escape. FML.

“Ahh, I see you’re awake, poppet,” Reynolds says, stepping through the bright blue plastic door. “Do you like your new home?” He asks like he’s talking about the weather and didn’t just kidnap me and put me in Barbie’s house of horrors.


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