Highland Guard by Hannah Howell

Highland Guard by Hannah Howell

Author:Hannah Howell [Howell, Hannah]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 1420135015
Amazon: B00M4ASQFK
Barnesnoble: B00M4ASQFK
Goodreads: 22459021
Publisher: Zebra
Published: 2014-12-31T16:00:00+00:00

“Ye have made a terrible mistake,” cried Biddy.

“Nay, I think not,” said Harcourt, nodding his thanks to Nicolas who brought him a stool to sit down on. “Ye didnae have a verra good disguise, Biddy. Lady Annys had already seen ye once and kenned the gown ye were wearing. Ye also bared your head and face when ye met your lover.”

“Is she going to be in here for verra long?” asked their other prisoner.

Harcourt looked over at Geordie. They had gotten that name out of him after he had woken up and Joan had seen to his injury. The man still refused to give them a clan name and he was beginning to think it was because Geordie was banished from his clan, a broken man. They were still not quite sure what to do with him.

“Nay, Geordie, as I believe she will be hanged before ye are.” He ignored Biddy’s wailing protest.

“What did she do?”

“Poisoned the laird.”

“Nay, nay, nay! It was only supposed to make him sick and too weak to fight.”

Harcourt looked at Biddy who looked as startled by her words as he felt. That was a confession. He glanced at Geordie who was looking disgusted and shaking his head. There might be hope for Geordie. He was now witness to the woman’s confession. Harcourt suspected that Geordie would point the finger of guilt at anyone just to save his own neck, but at least this time it would be the truth.

“So ye are the bitch that killed him,” Geordie said. “I told Jaikie it was a lass but he wouldn’t hear it. He didnae listen much and look where that got him. Shame he isnae here any longer to find out I was right.”

“Hush, Geordie,” Harcourt commanded in his coldest voice.

“Hushing,” he mumbled and sat in the far corner of his bed.

“So, Biddy, ye would have us believe ye kept feeding your laird a poison but just thought he would get ill, nay die,” Harcourt said.

“That was it. That was all. ’Tis nay my fault he was a weakling.”

It made him furious to hear her call David weak and Harcourt made no secret of his anger, allowing it to coat his words. “Ye put the poison in his food. It doesnae matter whether ye were mistaken about what would happen. Ye gave it to him. He died. So, ye are the murderer.”

“I was just doing as I was told.”

“Certainly nay by your laird.” He noticed that Geordie was listening closely. “Ah, then it was your lover.”

“Nay, he was just doing what he was told as a loyal second should.”

“So ye were both obeying Sir Adam MacQueen then.”

“I didnae say that!”

“Your lover used you, made ye the knife he was too cowardly to use himself.”

“Clyde is no coward,” Biddy snapped.

“Clyde?” Geordie said. “Ye were Clyde’s wee whore? Wheesht, ye are a witless lass, arenae ye?”

“He was going to marry me!”

“Och, aye? Ye believed that?”

Even Harcourt felt like wincing at the sharp scorn in Geordie’s voice. “Ye ken Clyde weel, do ye?” he asked the man.


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