Heart of the Flame by Lara Adrian

Heart of the Flame by Lara Adrian

Author:Lara Adrian [Adrian, Lara]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Published: 2012-11-26T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 17

Kenrick raised his sword and brought it down hard on his target.

The blade connected in a punishing clap of sound that echoed in the stillness of a pre-dawn mist that cloaked the castle's back bailey. It was a killing blow, striking deep into thick torso of his unmoving opponent. The training dummy spewed a shower of wood splinters from yet another savage impact; its helmeted head wobbled on the pike that held it in place.

Kenrick eyed the weakness with grim satisfaction, offering no quarter. With a growl of pent-up fury, he delivered the final strike, the force of contact sending the battered helmet in a rolling tumble into the dirt of the tilting yard.

The knight on watch at the postern door was the only nearby witness at this early hour. He nodded in greeting to Kenrick, then briefly left his post to assist. As the knight jogged over to retrieve the errant helmet from the ground, Kenrick drew back his mail coif and wiped a sheen of sweat from his brow.

He wore light armor for this morning's impromptu exercise, the drape of chain links giving his arms a degree of added resistance as he worked. The burn of his straining muscles was a comfort to him. In fact it felt good, for the ache was a welcome distraction from an ache of another kind that he had been nursing since his aborted seduction of Haven in his chamber last night.

"I wager this fellow's seen better days," said the postern guard as he replaced the training dummy's head back onto the pike. "You've an admirable skill with the blade, my lord."

"Thank you," Kenrick replied, reluctant to accept the praise when he knew each of the men in his service was sworn to give their lives in protection of his. "You are Sir Thomas, are you not?"

The knight paused, offering him a nod of deference. "Aye, my lord. I am he."

"You have a young daughter--Gwen, is it?" Kenrick asked, recalling what Haven had told him a few days ago.

"Aye, my lord. She is my firstborn." Sir Thomas's expression muted into one of concern and not a little worry. As though the hammer of a mad lord's rage were about to drop on him and his family. "If the girl has been a bother to you in some way..."

"No. Not at all," Kenrick said, dismissing the notion with a shake of his head. "Nothing like that. I understand there had been an incident recently--that she'd been hurt. I merely wanted to inquire after her health."

"Oh." Relief poured into Sir Thomas's tired eyes. "Aye, that. My thanks for your concern, my lord. Little Gwennie is just fine now."

"Good," Kenrick replied. "I am glad to hear it. Let me know if there is anything you or your family requires, Thomas. You've long been a loyal knight--to my father, to my sister, and to me--and I am grateful for your service."

The knight beamed as if he had just been dubbed anew, and by a royal hand at that.


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