Do They Hear You When You Cry by Fauziya Kassindja

Do They Hear You When You Cry by Fauziya Kassindja

Author:Fauziya Kassindja
Language: eng
Format: azw3
ISBN: 9780553505634
Publisher: Bantam
Published: 1997-12-31T20:00:00+00:00

is like! I know! I’ve been there! The poHce will be here soon and that’s where they’ll send us.”

This spread among the women, language to kinguage, and triggered a renewed chorus of crying and wailing. Where would we go? What would they do with us? We sat anxiously and waited for whatever would happen next.

James came over to us to ask if we were okay.

“Why did you do this,” I asked him angrily. “Why?”

“/ didn’t do this,” he said. “Me and a lot of the other men, we wanted nothing to do with it.”

After a while some of the men began asking the women if they wanted to get anything from their dorms. If they didn’t get it now, chances were they wouldn’t be able to later. We were all cold and hungry. Everyone wanted to salvage what little they could from the shambles—clothes, food, personal items—so a lot of women took the men up on their offer, including Sylvie and Oche. Since I didn’t want to be separated from Sylvie for a moment, I decided to go with them. We asked James to accompany us, because we knew we could trust him.

He led us back down the dark, wet, debris-strewn hallways to our dorm, back through the shattered window. Sylvie and Oche got busy right away, gathering up their own possessions. I could hardly think w^hat to take, I was so beside myself, but I forced myself to focus. I put on two T-shirts, two pairs of socks, and my extra prison uniform over what I was already wearing. I found my watch, and put that on too. I collected my tasbih and my Qur’an and put them in a pillowcase, and then threw in a few food items . What else? I put my little address book, my I.D. cards, letters I’d received from Rudina and Mary, and, most precious of all, the letters and photographs from Ayisha and Amariya in a small brown envelope. I stuck the envelope in my bra.

James helped us climb back out the dorm window and we started making our way back to the gym. Someone shouted out that one of the telephones in the officers’ room in the women’s section was still working. Sylvie and Oche went on, to the gym, but I was desperate to get word to Rahuf If something happened to me, if I disappeared, Rahuf would at least have some warning. James and I headed to the officers’ room.


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