Amish Christmas at North Star by Cindy Woodsmall

Amish Christmas at North Star by Cindy Woodsmall

Author:Cindy Woodsmall [Woodsmall, Cindy]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
Published: 2015-10-20T00:00:00+00:00

The attic boards beneath Savilla creaked as she pulled out another box. She rubbed her hands together, warming them. Maybe she should’ve started a fire in the hearth when she arrived six hours ago. But there was no sense in starting one now. It would be dark in about three hours, and she would begin her walk home a good forty-five minutes before then. By the time the fire was giving off enough heat to make a difference in the attic, it would be time for her to leave.

She knelt. What treasures would she find this time? More items picked up at a yard sale? Dresses from Mammi D’s younger days? Cookbooks?

Mammi D was a bit of a collector. Savilla agreed to do this task of organizing and labeling, but she disagreed with Kore’s Mamm about removing everything from the attic. Thankfully that wasn’t the task she’d given Savilla. If Mammi D got better, Savilla would look for an opportunity to gently share her thoughts about emptying the attic.

She opened a box and saw numerous antique kitchen items.

A loud thump made her jolt. She moved to the top of the stairs. Something creaked, as if a cabinet were being opened…and then the fridge.

She had locked the door behind her so that none of Mammi D’s family could enter and accidentally surprise her. She hated being startled.

“Hallo?” She sent out a distant warning of her presence. Glass shattered and footfalls hit in quick syncopation. Clearly her plan to speak from afar hadn’t kept her from frightening someone. But why didn’t the person call back? She went down the steps and into the small kitchen.

No one. A casserole dish and its contents were spattered on the floor. “Hallo?” Through a window she saw bushes rustling as if someone had run through them. Savilla moved closer, staring through the glass. She saw no one, but her heart raced. Was someone out there?

How had anyone gotten in? And why? Savilla searched through the home and found an open window in Mammi D’s bedroom. When she closed it, she discovered a broken pane. Had that person broken the glass while Savilla was in the attic? Wouldn’t she have heard that?

Savilla grabbed her coat. She would go by the Detweiler home and let them know what had happened.

Such an odd thing. Why would someone break into the home today and never before, as if the person knew Mammi D wasn’t here? Why would anyone take leftovers from the fridge?

Feeling a little eerie and isolated, she didn’t take the time to clean up the broken dish before she left the cabin. She wanted to be gone long before dusk settled. It would be disconcerting enough to walk through the woods alone while knowing someone had been watching the cabin.

While taking the key from its peg, she saw movement near the shed. She eased the sheer back and saw two scrawny, jean-covered legs disappear into a hole on the side of the building.

A child?

Savilla shuddered, fearing who else might be with her.


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