A Promise for Miriam by Vannetta Chapman

A Promise for Miriam by Vannetta Chapman

Author:Vannetta Chapman [Chapman, Vannetta]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: Romance
ISBN: 9780736946124
Google: lnQcgAHAhO8C
Amazon: 0736946128
Barnesnoble: 0736946128
Goodreads: 13224787
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
Published: 2012-01-01T00:00:00+00:00

He understood what Miriam wanted to know. Not what she was asking, but what she truly wanted, and it tore at his heart. He’d come to care for her in the last three weeks more than he had realized. As he’d watched Aden stare at her during lunch, he’d become even more convinced of the reason for the young man’s trip home.

It synced up with what Clemens had told him in his rough way.

There was no doubt that Aden wanted to court Miriam King.

Looking out at the pastures, barns, and buildings of Aden’s father, he knew he would be a fool to stand in the way.

What did he have to offer her? A broken-down farm, an orphaned daughter, and a heart that hadn’t yet healed.

Moreover, he honestly wasn’t sure a whole home was God’s plan for him. Perhaps he was to learn to be satisfied with the piece of happiness he had—with his daughter, a roof over his head, and good health. Reaching for more seemed selfish. He’d had more once, and he’d lost it. Did he even want to risk that happening again?

He wasn’t sure, and he wouldn’t be bringing any of that up in their conversation.

Instead, he turned to her and tried to answer the other part of her question, the surface part, the part that spoke to her desire to have a boppli of her own. Maybe a desire she didn’t even recognize yet, but he saw it in her face every time she paused to help Grace.

“It seems to me there are many things you can earn…a gut farm, respect of people you work with, even the love of a man or woman.” She gazed at him as if she were hanging on his every word, and that bothered him. He didn’t need anyone looking at him with such adoration. He knew too well how certain it was that he would mess up—not once but many times.

Looking out over the pasture again, he prayed for the words, the right words that would help Miriam see what God wanted her to see. When he turned back, he held his hands together, as if he were cupping water from a stream. “The love of a child, your own child, comes to you all at once—like a package on Christmas afternoon. You want to hold it to you, to treasure it and protect it, but that child is much like water.”

He spread his hands apart slightly.

“You can’t hold it,” she whispered.

“No. Much as you try, you can’t. The child grows, faster than you would believe possible—as quickly as water slips through your fingers.”

She moved next to him. They both stood there, looking out toward the western fields.

“Perhaps that’s what you notice when you see me looking at Grace. You see me trying to pour my love over her as she slips through my fingers.”

His eyes met hers for the briefest of moments, and he had a nearly overwhelming desire to reach out and touch her, to soothe the worried look on her face.


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