A Family for Christmas by Rose Pearson

A Family for Christmas by Rose Pearson

Author:Rose Pearson
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Published: 2019-11-29T16:00:00+00:00


Anna couldn’t help but agree with her employer’s exclamation. Lord Comey had fast become one of her least favorite people, and like Lady Tremaine, she had been glad that they had managed to avoid his company for much of the time they had been in London. There was too much about him that seemed untrustworthy. The way he spoke to the other servants at Trelawney Hall, as if they had nothing better to do than to be at his beck and call, and he never asked for anything nicely—nor did he ever say thank you. “Would you like to go?” Anna asked her employer a little hopefully. Her nerves were already on the raw; that Lord Comey might be here and see her fail would be just too much to bear.

“No, we can’t let that little toad think he has us rattled,” Lady Tremaine said. “I know you think he would delight in seeing you get something wrong—and you are right, he probably would—but you won’t make any errors. You just need to be yourself. And know this, my dear: you are twice as bright as he will ever be. I’d wager you could put him in his place in a heartbeat—so don’t be intimidated by him.”

“I shall do my best to ignore him completely,” Anna assured her, though it seemed that Lord Comey had now seen them. He was hurriedly crossing the dance floor, his companion trailing miserably behind him, and seemed to be headed right for the spot where Lady Tremaine and Anna were standing.

Lady Tremaine raised her eyes to the heavens and tutted loudly. “I suppose we shall have to be polite,” she said, taking one of the seats nearby. She sat in it as though it were a throne, and she were holding court. Anna couldn’t help but admire her aplomb.

Lord Comey bowed deeply to his aunt. “Dear Great-Aunt Frances, I am delighted to see you here,” he said obsequiously whilst he also contrived to completely ignore Anna’s presence at all.

“I’m sure you are,” Lady Tremaine said drily. “Have you forgotten the manners you were raised with?” she asked with an arched eyebrow as she looked first at Anna and then at Lord Comey’s companion who was standing a few steps behind him, looking petrified.

Lord Comey looked blank for a moment, then looked where his aunt’s eyes were going. “Oh, of course. Good evening, Miss Campbell. You look quite lovely.” His tone was petulant like a little boy forced to make an apology for something he had done and did not wish to admit to. “Please, may I introduce you to Lady Jane Fairley?” The young woman stepped forward and curtsied to Lady Tremaine, then nodded towards Anna.

“Your father is Earl Robert Fairley?” Lady Tremaine asked the girl, who nodded. She was too frightened to speak. “A good man. Fine estate in Hampshire, if I remember rightly?” The girl nodded again but did not speak a word.

“Lady Jane is to become my wife,” Lord Comey said.


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