Epitaph for an Angel by Lauren Maddison

Epitaph for an Angel by Lauren Maddison

Author:Lauren Maddison
Language: eng
Format: mobi, epub, pdf
Tags: ! Yes
ISBN: 9781555838126
Publisher: Alyson Publications
Published: 2003-11-01T05:00:00+00:00

An hour and a half later they left the rental car in the parking lot beside a dignified two-story red-brick office building and climbed the stairs to the second floor. Elaine Medfords outer office was a textbook rendering of understated elegance.

Everything from the subdued flame-stitch fabrics of the sofa to the pleated lampshades matched, but not obviously so. The dark Thomasville mahogany chairs and coffee table conveyed prosperity without overindulgence. It was a lawyers office that didnt try too hard. Connor approved.

The receptionists desk was unoccupied, the computer off, and the surface bare of any work. Connor was about to knock on the inner door when it swung open and the lawyer herself invited them in. She was about five foot six, and wiry rather than slender. Her hair was pure white and cut into a sort of pageboy style that Connor hadnt seen in years. She wore a pair of pearl-gray corduroy slacks, a mauve silk blouse, and a short white wool jacket. Reading glasses hung from a beaded chain around her neck, and earrings shaped like little books dangled from her ear-lobes. This, thought Connor, was an eccentric lawyer.

Sorry about the empty office. My paralegal, Eric, is off this afternoon. His partner was having surgery today. I figured he wouldnt get much done while he was worrying about Calvin. So, lets get down to business. I know you probably still have some arrangements to make.

Actually, thats all taken care of.

Good. She slid a stack of files closer and opened the top one. Placing the glasses halfway down her nose, she scanned the first page. Oh, hell, she said, closing it again. I dont know why Im stalling. I know perfectly well what it says. I drafted it myself. Didnt like it, but I did it.

What is it, then, I mean, that you didnt like?

I dont like it when people use a last will and testament to beat someone over the head. Its almost as if theyve just got to have the last word, even from beyond the grave.

Connor stared at her for a moment. I take it Im the person she wants to beat over the head.

Yes, and Im not happy about it. She took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. I believe a person has a right to do as she wishes with her property. But I also happen to know that your mothers estate consists almost entirely of the money and real estate she received from your father in the divorce settlement. And he gave her all of it free and clear without a single argument. At the time, I thought he was nuts, but it was the easiest fee I ever earned. Then, a few months later, she wanted me to redraft her will. Obviously she had no intention of letting anything go back to Benjamin, which seemed a little vindictive, but what can you do? So, I did what she wanted, and I tried to alter her thinking, but

Elaine, if youre


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