Almost Innocent by Beca Lewis

Almost Innocent by Beca Lewis

Author:Beca Lewis [Beca Lewis]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Perception Publishing
Published: 2024-01-14T00:00:00+00:00

Twenty Nine

By Tuesday morning, the roads were clear, and the snow had already begun to melt.

“February,” Judith mumbled to herself as she opened the door of her office, trying not to slip on the slush that layered the sidewalk. Who liked it? Not her. Although there was already evidence of spring on its way, despite the snow, it couldn’t come fast enough.

The holidays were fun with food, gatherings, and beautiful decorations. But she eagerly awaited the freshness of spring. She had often threatened to go away during the month of February. Wait it out in some place warm, like Hawaii. Maybe next year, she mumbled to herself.

Nancy, as always, was already in the office, had coffee brewing, and had a smile on her face. Judith had no idea how she would run her office without her, not that Nancy didn’t remind her of that fact periodically.

“It’s a full house today,” she said cheerfully. Judith knew the cheerfulness was because Nancy loved being around people, and although she lived alone, often went out with friends after work. Nancy had brought in many clients over the years just because she so often bragged about her boss.

By lunchtime, Judith was both exhausted and hungry. Since she didn’t have a client for a few hours, she thought she’d treat herself and have lunch at ParaTi’s. She texted Bruce to see if he could join her.

By the time she got to ParaTi’s, he was already there, waiting at their favorite table, wearing one of the shirts she had given him because she thought it brought out his blue eyes. It did. To Judith, he was the most handsome man she had ever seen.

Judith thought back to when they first started seeing each other. They would meet out of town so no one would see them. She wasn’t sure why they did that. After all, who would have cared?

Now it seemed as if half the restaurant smiled and waved as she made her way to the table. Bruce stood and gave her a quick hug before sitting again, and a little titter ran around the room as people smiled at one of their favorite couples.

As they settled in, both Mary and Veronica came up to their table.

“Wait, we get both our favorite waitresses today?”

“No, it’s Veronica today, but we both have a favor to ask of you, Judith. I have a friend in the kitchen. Pedro. You’ve met him. He needs to talk to you about something he found at the Mayor’s reception.”

“And I have to show you some pictures of something Emma saw on her run this weekend,” Veronica added. “Well, actually, Emma wants to show you, but I want to be there too.”

“Are these two things related?” Judith asked.

The two women looked at each other before Mary answered, “On the surface, they don’t seem to be, but we think they are. Somehow.”

Judith held up a finger to ask them to wait as she called Nancy and asked her when she had a free hour that afternoon.


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