What My Heart Wants (Y.A Series Book 3) by Sarah Tork

What My Heart Wants (Y.A Series Book 3) by Sarah Tork

Author:Sarah Tork
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: romance, love, young adult, teen, high school, diet, boyfriend, weight, senior year
Publisher: Sarah Tork


The lights were dimmed again. Peter’s playlist blasted through speakers set up around the room. This was my first high school party, but even I knew when a sick song played, over excitement reigned supreme. My arm shot up along with everyone else’s, making waves on the dark dance floor.

“Yeah Anna!” Jenna swirled, waving her arms into a sea of hands, pumping to the beat. She’s drunk and loving it. I laughed at her, but not in a judgmental way, but because I got it and that made me so freaking happy.




Song after song, my body grew more fearless. After my second cup of special punch, worrying became irrelevant. The only thing that bothered me was a sudden over welling need to pee. I mouthed ‘bathroom’ to Jenna and danced my way off the floor, heading towards the bathroom.

“I’m so drunk.” I chuckled to myself, stumbling down the empty hallway. How come no one else had to pee? I was a newbie to this whole scene and my bladder had much to learn about resilience.

After knocking three times on the bathroom door with nobody answering, I opened it. There was nobody inside and just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a pair of hands nudged me inside.

“Who’s doing that?” I gasped and the door lock snapped closed. I faced my culprit and my heart rate tripled with my eyes connecting with scowling green ones.

Round Two was it?

I gripped the edge of the vanity table. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Instead of answering, James leaned against the door with his strong tanned arms folded across his chest. He glared hard at me, capturing my stare and stalling me from questioning him further.

For a few seconds at least...

“Stop staring at me.” I wasn’t regular Annabelle right now, I was drunk, and drunken Annabelle was about to get loud. The alcohol made me brave. I felt it coursing through my veins, aiding my brain, telling it to tell James to go and screw himself.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve, pushing me in here, locking the door, and you don’t even have the balls to say anything.” I hissed.

“Did you have fun?” James snipped, making me feel like I was being accused.

“Depends, what you mean?” I sneered, wondering if he meant having fun with Dean?

“I saw you.” he accused.

Yep, totally saw me with Dean.

I cocked an eyebrow and jerked my chin at him in defiance. “And?”

“Slow dancing with that pitcher and then letting him touch your face.” James growled, his jaw twitching.

“And?” I pressed, sounding bored.

“On the couch.” he reminded, pointing to the closed door.

“Oh!” I drawled out. “You mean Dean. Yeah, I had a great time connecting with him. We have a lot in common.”

“Oh yeah, like what?” he sneered, sounding like he didn’t believe me. God forbid anyone else be attracted to me.

“Like, we’re both funny, and nice and we’re both cute.” I explained acidly, with a bitter smile.

James’ nostrils flared. “Oh, so you think he’s cute


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