The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women by Tristan Taormino
Author:Tristan Taormino [Taormino, Tristan]
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Tags: Health & Fitness, Women's Health, Sexuality, Reference, Personal & Practical Guides, Self-Help, Sexual Instruction
ISBN: 9781573445221
Google: bG8XqRO6rRQC
Publisher: Cleis Press
Published: 2013-09-17T16:00:00+00:00
Penetration with Penises, Dildos, and Bigger Toys
When you’re ready to move on to a cock, a strap-on dildo, or a bigger toy, the same rules discussed in the previous section apply. In this section, all the tips and techniques can apply to penetration with a penis or a dildo, so when I use the word cock I mean any cock, whether rubber or flesh.
Tips for the Giver
After your partner is warmed up and ready for your cock, your erection must be solid to make anal penetration work. While not a problem for cocks of the silicone variety, if you have a flesh cock, make sure it’s stiff. Sometimes, a man can have a semihard penis and manage to “stuff” it into a woman’s pussy, but that trick won’t work on her ass because the anus is such a tight opening. When you’re ready , lubricate your cock and relube her ass. Place your cock at her anal opening and hold it with your hand to help you guide it. Now, you have a few options:
Have her move her body toward your cock (forward or backward depending on your positions), while you guide it inside.
Rub your cock against her opening. This external stimulation should relax the anus. As the sphincter muscles contract, the opening appears to “wink” (open, then closed) at you. As it winks open, take the opportunity to slide in.
Press your cock against her opening and gently push against it (she may want to either relax or bear down in order to let you inside).
Penetrate her ass with your finger, withdraw it, and while her anus is open, gently insert your cock. When you first enter her, just put the head of your cock inside, stop, and stay where you are. Let her sphincter muscles and anus get used to the feeling. Keep your movements slow, gentle, and subtle at first. When she’s ready, you can venture farther inside. Sometimes, she will actually suck you inside—when we are aroused, our rectums start to contract and we can often pull a cock right in. If she doesn’t suck you in, slide into her very slowly or let her come back or down onto the cock so she can control the entry. Now you can start some slow thrusting. Remember when possible to angle toward the front of the body to aim for the G-spot or prostate. She should tell you if she wants you to go deeper or faster or both. Then, it’s simply a matter of exploring what feels good for both of you.
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women by Tristan
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