The New Gods (League of Losers Book #4): LitRPG Series by Michael Atamanov

The New Gods (League of Losers Book #4): LitRPG Series by Michael Atamanov

Author:Michael Atamanov [Atamanov, Michael]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Magic Dome Books
Published: 2024-08-28T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Eighteen. [Cat]

Our Shelter is Under Attack!!!

IT WAS A SLEEPLESS NIGHT for every member of the League... The enraged dragon didn’t stop her deafening attempts to escape for even a minute, and given that she was only about two hundred yards from our common sleeping quarters, it wasn’t exactly the perfect environment for a good night’s sleep. And even though I tried out a new spell in the middle of the night - a Curse Magic spell you could cast over a whole area, called Silence - it didn’t do anything to deaden the sounds of the bumps and crashes as the Mistress writhed furiously around in her improvised cage (although it did get rid of the sound of her roaring, which at least was something). It seemed like the cave itself might collapse, so it wasn’t surprising that every five or ten minutes, one of the players would stand up from their cot and go check to make sure the wall separating us from the man-eating dragon was still in decent shape. Little Hope could sense the tension in the air, and she was crying constantly, which also wasn’t conducive to a good night’s sleep.

The idea of bringing the dragon’s two-headed baby in to join her was raised at one point, in the hopes that this would calm her down, but Julie Sinitsyna rejected this idea out of hand. According to our young Veterinarian, the winged mother was in a state of aggressive insanity at the moment, absolutely unable to control her rage. There was no guarantee she wouldn’t hurt her baby, maybe even kill him. Julie herself wasn’t risking getting close to the trapped dragon either, since she could sense that none of her Veterinarian skills would protect her against the ancient lizard’s rage.

After midnight, a big group of people (none of whom had been able to sleep at all) decided to move from the underground cavern into the ruined old houses out in the valley. Sure, there was no glass in the windows, it was pretty chilly at night, and there were a ton of mosquitoes, but the players thought that was the lesser of two evils compared to trying to sleep right next to the Mistress. Actually, I was one of the “migrants” who made this move, along with Veronica Horn, who still wasn’t fully recovered, but nonetheless rose from her sickbed for the first time, rolled up her blanket, and headed down into the valley to get some sleep.

Sadly, I didn’t get much sleep there either. The young Huntress Yukki-La woke me up early in the morning. She was clearly anxious, and she told me that she had seen some unusually-large saber-toothed rats crawling one after another through a crack in the cliff face, thereby making their way into the valley under our protective dome.

“Rats?! Where did you see them?” My sleepiness dissipated immediately.

“Near the outhouse. I woke up early in the morning, I had to go, and I ran off - “

“Yeah, I get it, I get it! When exactly did this happen?”

“Just now.


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