Star Trek #5: The Prometheus Design by Sondra Marshak

Star Trek #5: The Prometheus Design by Sondra Marshak

Author:Sondra Marshak [Marshak, Sondra]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Science Fiction
ISBN: 9780671833985
Publisher: Pocket Books/Star Trek
Published: 1981-12-11T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Thirteen

Kirk said, "Computer off." It hesitated an instant, consulting its basic programming against its recent conclusion. Finally it switched off.

Kirk faced Savaj. "Admiral, I do not know what is happening on this ship, but I will stop it. I no longer know whether you are part of the solution-or of the problem. I can conceive, even, that some alien mindcontrol technique might force me, or you, to murder. I will give such a technique no further opportunity."

"And if I order you as the ranking Starfleet Admiral to yield command?"

Kirk shook his head deliberately. "I yielded when it was not a matter of Spock's life or the ship's. Now it is-and I will not. I am and have been since you came aboard a commander in the field facing possible alien attack through imposture or mind alteration. Such a commander is not obliged to yield to what appears to be legitimate authority. I could yield to Spock. Alien effect or not, he is a part of that rapport which is unique to this command crew. In the end, I realize now, I will trust that rapport beyond anything else in the galaxy. Including, with all respect, you, sir."

"Fascinating," Savaj said. "However, it arrives at an impasse. I also cannot permit alien influence-or murder-to command."

"That will not be necessary."

It was Spock's voice, and Kirk whirled to see Spock still immersed in that Vulcan healing state from which he could nonetheless follow what was happening.

Savaj stepped over and slapped Spock, making Kirk wonder how mere Human slaps had ever managed to rouse Spock all these years. It was the only known way to bring a Vulcan out of the healing trance, but it usually took a Human a few hard slaps to make a Vulcan take any notice.

The full Vulcan needed only one. Spock's eyes snapped into focus, shaken. "That will do," he said, and moved to sit up.

"You stay put, Spock," McCoy snapped. "Even you can't walk away from the fact that five minutes ago you were a dead man."

Spock stood up. He moved with great care to the computer. "Computer, specify alternative suspect."

"No viable alternative," the computer said.

"Spock," McCoy protested, "the computer has been wrong before, including about Jim. You can't believe that?"

Spock looked at McCoy levelly. "Suppose, Doctor, that you wished through mind alteration to make a man capable of murder. How would you do it?"

McCoy shrugged. "Hypnosis and other standard techniques, as a general rule, can't make a person violate a deep moral code. However, they might change a person's perception-make the subject believe the victim was an attacker, an animal, a tree, a Jack the Ripper. Or they might play on deep unconscious fears, hates, loves-buried levels of emotion where the subject might believe the victim deserved death."

"That was what S'haile Savaj described, Doctor. About Kirk."

For a moment McCoy looked stopped, then he shook his head. "Jim said he would stand on our rapport against anything in the galaxy." McCoy stepped to Kirk's side. "That goes for me, too.


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