Ruin: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (Conquer the Dark Series, Book 2) by T. L. Payne

Ruin: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (Conquer the Dark Series, Book 2) by T. L. Payne

Author:T. L. Payne [Payne, T. L.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Shaky Rock Publishing
Published: 2024-05-30T00:00:00+00:00



Mount Arlington, New Jersey

Day Four

Ayden was elated to find the platform cart at the warehouse and eager to take it back to the motorhome so he and Clara could get back on the road. That all changed in an instant when the group from the Mexican restaurant spotted him and broke into a chase, their intentions crystal clear. Adrenaline surged through his veins. His mind raced as fast as his legs, calculating his next move. He quickly discarded the bulky platform cart, prioritizing speed and stealth above everything else.

The echoing footsteps of his pursuers reverberated through the empty buildings as Ayden swiftly made his way through the alley, acutely aware of the imminent danger behind him. He knew he couldn’t lead them back to Clara. The risk of them discovering the motorhome’s location was a gamble he couldn’t afford.

Fueled by this powerful thought, Ayden set off on a daring escape, maneuvering through a complex network of twists and turns. He occasionally backtracked and resourcefully leveraged the environment to outsmart his pursuers. He vaulted over fences, dashed through backyards, and slipped through narrow passages between buildings, all in an effort to confuse and lose them.

His breathing heavy, Ayden paused momentarily behind a dumpster, using the scant cover to survey his surroundings and catch his breath. The distant shouts of the men searching for him reminded Ayden that he couldn’t let his guard down—not yet. He had to maintain a considerable gap between them and leave no clues that could lead back to Clara and the motorhome.

Ayden, feeling secure that the danger of being followed had passed, proceeded with caution as he retraced his steps toward the expressway, continuing to take a route that was intricate and designed to confuse. He avoided main roads, opting instead for less traveled paths, constantly checking over his shoulder for any sign of the group. Every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs underfoot heightened his senses, a constant state of alertness that weighed heavily on him.

As the expressway came into view, Ayden took a moment to assess the situation. The last traces of the pursuit seemed to have vanished. He allowed himself a brief moment to catch his breath, the fear of leading danger to Clara still pressing on his mind.

As he weaved through the graveyard of abandoned vehicles, making his way back to the motorhome’s location, his mind shifted to how he could sneak back in the dark to retrieve the hand cart. All hope was not lost. He just needed to be patient. He’d check on Clara, rest a bit, and then head back out.

But as he drew closer, Ayden froze, his breath caught in his throat. The sound of unfamiliar voices drifted out from the motorhome’s partially open window, sending a shiver down his spine.

Clara was in there, possibly facing unknown dangers from strangers who probably wanted to stake their own claim to the motorhome. The thought of his sister, hurt and defenseless, in the control of possible enemies triggered a powerful sense of protectiveness.


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