Love Is Gross by Ethan J. Blackstone

Love Is Gross by Ethan J. Blackstone

Author:Ethan J. Blackstone
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2021-11-10T15:55:10+00:00

Chapter 8

A Titan Falls (In Love Probably)

I know I have done a lot of monologue-ing already, but being able to express my opinions in great detail is one of my favorite pastimes, as well as one of my greatest strengths, so you will just have to bear with it. I would like to rant about two different subjects at once this time. Firstly, I would like to discuss the phrase “fall in love.” Second, I would like to go over the subject of “dates” (not the calendar type). In regards to the first subject, I just wanted to say that I find the whole phrase to be highly irregular. I mean, does “falling in love” not make it sound as if you have stumbled upon something unpleasant? Is not the word “fall” usually reserved for pits and cliffs? In my experience, people generally try to avoid falling into things. I suppose there are things that would be good to fall into, like a pile of money. But even then, is not something like “found” or “discovered” much more fitting? To fall into a pile of money is probably the least desirable means of acquiring said money. It sounds as if one has no control over the situation. You could end up drowning in money if you fall in the wrong way. I feel that a better term would be to “develop love.” That makes it sound more like something that was created through effort and control rather than being forced into something undesirable. That being said, I do not necessarily disagree with the term “fall in love,” I just find it to be odd. In actuality, “fall in love” is much more fitting when compared to my opinion of what love is. If I had control over the phrase, I would probably even go as far as to change it to “devoured by love” or “imprisoned by love.” I had just assumed that everyone else considered love to be a good thing, so naturally they would want a phrase that matches it. Perhaps, unknowingly, the world agrees with my opinion of love, and they are using this phrase as a form of subconscious expression. It is either that, or I am just overanalyzing things once again. Either way, that is just my take on the matter.

In regards to my second topic of monologue, dating, I have only one question. Why? What purpose do dates serve? If someone is going out of their way to meet at a place where they would not normally go, doing things that they would not normally do, under circumstances that they would not normally be under, how does one expect them to be normal? I know that they are used as a tool to further love, but there are so many other, more effective ways to do so. Of course, I am speaking strictly of fresh couples, when the relationship is just starting. Dates take on a different meaning once a couple has had a longer lifespan.


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