Light in the Abyss by Bennett R Coles

Light in the Abyss by Bennett R Coles

Author:Bennett R Coles
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Promontory Press
Published: 2024-04-11T00:00:00+00:00


“Let go all lines, Ms. Sungate,” Liam ordered. “Get us clear.”

“Yes, sir,” Sungate replied, moving around Freedom’s low bridge to issue various orders. A skeleton crew of sailors were spread throughout the little ship, all Daring could spare for the upcoming battle.

“Shame you can’t join us for the boarding tonight,” Swift muttered at Liam’s side.

“The burden of senior rank,” Liam replied. “But I’m sure the drinks and canapes will make up for me missing the fun.”

Liam glanced at his friend long enough to catch the propulsor’s wry grin, then returned his gaze ahead as he felt the gentle shift as Freedom detached from Daring. At Sungate’s order, thrusters fired and the space between the two ships opened.

“I thought you’d at least wear your armor so that I might think you were going to work hard.”

Swift had recently invested in personalized armor and the plates clinked softly as he stepped forward. The breastplate was a deep blue, and across it was etched a faint, silver outline of Daring’s forward silhouette, all four masts at full sail. It was understated, but clearly top quality – much like Swift himself.

“I’m ready to defend the ship if necessary,” Liam replied, pointing to the aft corner of the bridge where his own polished black armor was prepped for rapid donning.

“Sir,” Sungate called, “we’ve opened to more than two mast lengths: permission to extend masts?”

“Yes, please.” Liam clasped his hands behind his back and watched the sailing table to his right, noting the quick progress of the mast deployment.

“She’s good,” Swift admitted, glancing forward to where Sungate moved with purpose between bridge stations. “But I’m curious to see how well Freedom’s automation works under duress. You know I won’t be here to fix things if they break.”

“I promise to be careful,” Liam said quietly. “But I’m making you sign for that boat.”

Swift scoffed. “I’ll have it back in one piece.”

As the masts extended and the sails unfurled, Freedom opened from Daring on a course that kept the fleeing Theropod armada hemmed between them.

“Sir, permission to deploy forward spritsail?” Sungate asked.

“Yes, please.”

Liam sensed Swift’s attention focus as Freedom’s unique forward sail was loosed – a huge, square wind catcher that was useless in any headwind but was like gunpowder to the hull in a tailwind. Through the low canopy he saw the great sheet deploy ahead of the bow, fluttering as it unfurled but becoming taut as it caught the steady winds from the Hub astern. Freedom noticeably shifted as she picked up speed. Liam checked his tactical table and watched Daring fall rapidly astern and the Theropod ships draw left ahead of them.

“This is a beautiful ship,” Swift muttered.

Liam watched the relative positions of the ships change, waiting for Riverton to make her move as planned. Sungate did one more sweep of the bridge systems and joined him.

“Should we signal when we’re in position?” she asked.

“The captain can see us,” he replied. “We just keep flanking and wait for her to start the attack.”

A soft exhalation of breath was Sungate’s only response.


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