Journey's End by Dora Hiers

Journey's End by Dora Hiers

Author:Dora Hiers
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: White Rose Publishing

Journey's End


Trey opened the door to the Suburban, needing a little space from Renner’s venting. He didn’t get it. Renner slid in the other side and continued his tirade.

The train arrived five minutes ago. Which meant Jake had a five minute head start on them. He could be anywhere.

Trey glanced at his watch. Forty-five minutes before the funeral.

“The train’s the only way he could have gotten here on time. I suppose he could have thumbed a ride, but that’s pretty dicey.” Trey cut Renner off.

Renner pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yeah. The kid made it all the way to Chelsea’s the first time, and I’m sure he’s got what it takes to find his way back. He’s probably well on his way to the funeral.” Renner closed his eyes and shook his head. “It’ll be desk work for me from now on. Hamilton’s going to have a fit.”

Trey started the engine and entered the address of the funeral home into the portable global positioning system. “Let’s stop thinking about Hamilton. You were protecting Jake from his father and his cronies. Not Jake from himself. Now, focus.”

“Yeah. You’re right. I wasn’t really expecting the kid to take off. We were having a good time together.”

“Jake’s a good kid. Chelsea says he just wants to say goodbye to his mama. We can understand that.” Trey grinned, thinking about the bag in the back seat. The GPS called out the first instruction.

“Yeah.” Renner rubbed the stubble growing on his chin. “I suppose I’d want to be at my mom’s funeral, too.”

“OK, then. Let’s get over there.” Trey backed the truck out and turned left, following the GPS’s verbal coordinates.

Renner grinned at him. “Let’s go kick some butt.”

“Let’s not. Let’s find Jake and get him out of there before anything terrible happens. I have to answer to Chelsea.”

Renner twisted in his seat. “Chelsea’s here?”

“Yeah. She bullied me into bringing her.”

Renner shook his head slowly. “I bet she didn’t have to bully too hard. Where is she?”

“At my sister’s for now.” The GPS called out another turn.

“I see.”

“You see what exactly?”

“The handwriting on the wall.”

Trey lifted his brows and navigated the turn. “And that would be?”

“Two things. The first option is that we’ll both be doing desk work when Hamilton finds out you brought Chelsea along.”

Trey grimaced. He’d thought about that. For about two seconds. But then decided he’d rather deal with Hamilton’s wrath than Chelsea’s disappointment.

“But I think the alternative is more likely. I’m going to need a new partner before too long.”

“What makes you think that?” Trey snorted, glancing at his watch. Thirty minutes until fireworks.

He gunned it around the corner, and Renner grabbed the handle above the seat. “You’ll take that desk job to keep her happy. You’re not pulling anything on me.”

He ignored Renner. “It’s show time. Here’s the parking lot. Let’s take a look.” Trey slowed down and practically crawled past the funeral home’s parking lot. “See anybody you recognize?”

Renner plastered his shades against the window. “Not yet. Let’s drive around the block, see if we can spot Jake sneaking around.


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