José Silva: The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Human Mind and the Method He Used by Robert B. Stone

José Silva: The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Human Mind and the Method He Used by Robert B. Stone

Author:Robert B. Stone [Stone, Robert B.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Dennis Stone
Published: 2020-09-15T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 9

Reactions: Detractors, Imitators, and Miracles

To no one’s surprise, given José’s early experience, as the Silva tide spread from coast to coast, it made waves everywhere.

The method and its implications aroused the indignant opposition of professionals and nonprofessionals alike involved in mental research. These objectors were so deeply rooted in the sensory physical world that they were simply unable to give credence to the existence of the extrasensory. So they made waves of conflict.

In some Silva graduates, the new knowledge aroused greed and ego to the extent that they grabbed the ball, claimed it as their own, and ran with it. They made legal waves.

In the beneficiaries of its “miracles,” the method aroused wonder and even awe. They made public relations waves.

Space here permits a description of only representative events of these kinds. But for each of these examples, similar incidents took place all over the country, contributing to an ocean’s worth of energy surrounding the Silva Method.

Between 1966 and 1969, when José was training groups within the state of Texas only, only one article about the training appeared in a national magazine. The author was a sixty-year-old Dallas widow, and the magazine was the 1969 edition of Woman. The article conveyed quite a favorable impression of José Silva’s work.

The writer had taken only half the training before she wrote the article. She ended the article by saying, “They say I will become a genius when I finish the rest of the training.”

“Did she?” José was asked later by a number of readers.

His reply, based on his own follow-up was, “She married a millionaire.”

After the training sessions expanded to the rest of the nation, stories in the national media began to proliferate. Nine out of ten articles in those days were negative, suggesting, as one reporter put it, that “Silva is selling snake oil.” Today, by the way, in an age of a new and more evolved consciousness, nine out of ten stories are positive.

José was never “thrown” by his detractors, but they got under his skin sometimes. He knew that none had taken the training and that they were writing from ignorance. Still, it disappointed and bothered him to see them mask their ignorance with authority and write as if they knew what they were writing about, damaging others by their untruths.

One day a Catholic priest came to Laredo from Edinburgh, Texas, a small college town near McAllen, with the sole intention of exposing what he felt was Silva’s fraudulent operation. When the priest arrived at José’s home, he got right to work.

“You, as a Catholic, should be ashamed of yourself, fooling these people by making them believe they can function clairvoyantly,” the priest said to José, referring to some of the priest’s own parishioners who had taken the training. In a loud voice, he demanded, “If it’s true that people can function clairvoyantly, then you prove it to me right here and now!”

Replied José, “Father, first I want to remind you that you are in my house. Second,


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