In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson by Bette Bao Lord

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson by Bette Bao Lord

Author:Bette Bao Lord
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: HarperCollins
Published: 2019-04-16T16:00:00+00:00


I Pledge a Lesson to the Frog

It was almost summer. An eager sun outshone the neon sign atop the Squibb factory even before the first bell beckoned students to their homerooms. Now alongside the empty milk crates at Mr. P’s, brown paper bags with collars neatly rolled boasted plump strawberries, crimson cherries and Chiquita bananas. The cloakroom stood empty. Gone, the sweaters, slickers and galoshes.

At the second bell, the fifth grade, as always, scrambled to their feet. As always, Tommy O’Brien giggled, and each girl checked her seat to see if she was his victim of the day. Susie Spencer, whose tardiness could set clocks, rushed in, her face long with excuses. Popping a last bubble, Maria Gonzales tucked her gum safely behind an ear while Joseph gave an extra stroke to his hair.

Finally Mrs. Rappaport cleared her throat, and the room was still. With hands over hearts, the class performed the ritual that ushered in another day at school.

Shirley’s voice was lost in the chorus.

“I pledge a lesson to the frog of the United States of America, and to the wee puppet for witches’ hands. One Asian, in the vestibule, with little tea and just rice for all.”

“Class, be seated,” said Mrs. Rappaport, looking around to see if anyone was absent.

No one was.

“Any questions on the homework?”

All hands remained on or below the desks, etched with initials, new with splinters, brown with age.

“In that case, any questions on any subject at all?”

Irvie’s hand shot up. It was quickly pulled down by Maria, who hated even the sound of the word “spider.” Spiders were all Irvie ever asked about, talked about, dreamed about. How many eyes do spiders have? Do spiders eat three meals a day? Where are spiders’ ears located?

By now, everyone in the fifth grade knew that spiders come with no, six or eight eyes. That spiders do not have to dine regularly and that some can thrive as long as two years without a bite. That spiders are earless.

Since Irvie was as scared of girls as Maria was of spiders, he sat on his hands, but just in case he changed his mind, Maria’s hand went up.

“Yes, Maria?”

“Eh . . . eh, I had a question, but I forgot.”

“Was it something we discussed yesterday?”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s it.”

“Something about air currents or cloud formation, perhaps?”

“Yeah. How come I see lightning before I hear thunder?”

“Does anyone recall the answer?”

Tommy jumped in. “That’s easy. ’Cause your eyes are in front, and your ears are off to the side.” To prove his point, he wiggled his ears, which framed his disarming smile like the handles of a fancy soup bowl.

Laughter was his reward.

“The correct answer, Maria,” said Mrs. Rappaport, trying not to smile too, “is that light waves travel faster than sound waves.”

Shirley raised her hand.


“Who’s the girl Jackie Robinson?”

Laughter returned. This time Shirley did not understand the joke. Was the girl very, very bad? So bad that her name should not be uttered in the presence of a grown-up?

Putting a finger to her lips, Mrs.


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