Desirea's Escape by Hilden LA

Desirea's Escape by Hilden LA

Author:Hilden, LA [Hilden, LA]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Romance, love, Fantasy, paranormal, time travel, regency, regency england, romance historical, romance 1800s, regency 1800s
Publisher: LA Hilden
Published: 0101-01-01T00:00:00+00:00


Ellis walked into the parlor to find three ladies awaiting him with obvious enthusiasm, their wide smiles proof. “Hello, ladies. How nice of you to call on me.” He held back saying, again. “I see you have tea. Can I get you anything else?” he asked, taking a seat on a chair across from the sofa where the Everly sisters sat, while Amelia sat in the chair next to his.

“Where’s Miss Desirea?” asked Anne, the youngest of the Everly sisters.

“She’s around somewhere, probably overhauling another room. She’s been very instrumental in turning this place around,” he said proudly.

“The two of you have grown close?” asked Amelia, and Ellis realized he needed to put forth a more stoic expression when he spoke of Desirea.

“We have become friends.” He brought his leg up to rest on his opposite knee.

“Have you spoken with your sister as to her arrival date?” Lauren Everly reached for her teacup in an effort of nonchalance, but he heard the scorn in her voice. Little did she know that he would never marry a spiteful woman like herself.

“No, I haven’t. I assume it’s still too soon for her to travel or she’d be here.” He decided a change of topic was necessary. “So, tell me, Lady Amelia, how are your sisters faring?”

“They are well, Your Grace. They wanted to come with me.”

“You could have brought them,” he said. “It’s nice to see children running about the place.” He heard Lauren snort.

“Are you well, Lady Lauren?” he asked, purposely calling attention to her rudeness.

“Yes, I’m fine. I merely find it amusing that you’d ask Amelia to bring her younger sisters. Children can be such a bother.”

“Not all people find them so,” replied Ellis, who genuinely always liked children. He admired their exuberant smiles and carefree ways. He wished Lauren would find a more useful way to fill her mouth. Perhaps he should insist she eat if only to shut her up. He wasn’t conversing with her anyway. He’d been addressing Amelia. He was surprised and a bit disappointed that Amelia didn’t defend her half sisters. After all, he had led the conversation purposely in the direction of children to garner Amelia’s thoughts on family. “Do you find your sisters a bother, Lady Amelia?” He found he had to ask after Lauren’s implication.

“I’m afraid I do, Your Grace. They follow me like little ducklings. It’s beyond tedious, especially when my stepmother insists I take them everywhere I go.”

He was taken aback by her answer. “But you escaped from them today?” he asked, not liking the feelings Amelia had toward her half sisters. Ellis cherished his sister. The time they spent together was important to him. But then Darlene was the only family he had left in the world. Her happiness meant much to him.

“Indeed I did, Your Grace, but I had to use trickery to do so,” she brazenly admitted.

“Tell him what you did,” Lauren encouraged with great enthusiasm, as if she thought Ellis would not approve of Amelia’s answer.


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