Daughter of Shadows by Gail Daley

Daughter of Shadows by Gail Daley

Author:Gail Daley
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Gail Daleys Fine Art


SETH AND Jalapeno took off at a lope for their new apartment.

Malcolm went up to the counter of the café and ordered a sandwich before taking a seat at a table close enough to Killwilner’s watcher he could hear if he commed anyone.

The man cast him a curious look but didn’t speak to him. When the sandwich came there was an extra slice of cake with it.

“I didn’t order cake,” he said in surprise. The waitress gave him a friendly grin. “That’s a reward for not being afraid to come in here.”

“Business is bad today?”

She snorted, jerking her chin at the other patron of the cafe. “Yeah. Half my regulars think Mr. Clean over there is a cop, so they’ve stayed away today.”

“Why do they think that?”

“Get real. A dockworker with those fancy shoes? Besides his hands are soft. I’d stake my life he hasn’t been handling any anchor lines.”

Over her shoulder, Malcolm saw the watcher cast a guilty look at his shoes and his hands.

“So why’d you let him stay?”

She shrugged. “If he is a cop, he could make my life difficult. I’ll pass.”

She gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder and left him to enjoy his dinner in peace.

Malcolm finished his dinner and returned his plate to the counter. “I hope you leave her a big tip since you ran off her regular customers,” he remarked as he passed the watcher.

Malcolm sauntered down the steps and wandered around the docks, checking how accessible the rear door of the boarding house was. As he watched, Killwilner returned, slipping in the back door.

Malcolm considered matters for a few minutes, then decided to make a friend. He returned to the outdoor café and sat down at the table with the watcher, who looked up in surprise.

“If you’re supposed to be watching Killwilner, I think you should know he just returned.”

“How do you know that?” the man asked sharply.

Malcolm grinned at him. “Because I saw him going in the back door a few minutes ago. Deputy,” he added.”

“Who told you I was a cop?”

Malcolm chuckled. “Nobody had to tell me or anyone else around here. Why do you think she hasn’t had any other customers today?”

“I guess I have a lot to learn. The name is Bates, Cassidy Bates,” he said.

“Malcolm Culpepper. I think we are here on the same errand. Killwilner broke into a friend of mine’s home yesterday. Scared her pretty bad. I want to know if he’s in this alone.”

“I see.” Bates hesitated, then asked, “Do you know how I can keep everyone from identifying me as a cop?”

“You sure you want to know?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Get rid of the cop shoes and buy a pair of used boots. Sleep in your clothes and don’t wash them. Don’t shave and don’t take a bath.” He laughed at Bates horrified look.

Bates Stood up. “You going to stick around?”

“No. Since I caught him coming back from wherever he went, I think the window of opportunity has passed.”

“That young guy who was with you, who is he?”

“That’s Seth McCloud.


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