BattleTech Legends: Grave Covenant by Michael A. Stackpole

BattleTech Legends: Grave Covenant by Michael A. Stackpole

Author:Michael A. Stackpole
Language: eng
Format: epub, mobi
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
Published: 2016-09-25T08:00:00+00:00


Sigfried Glacier Reserve Environs, Tharkad City


District of Donegal, Lyran Alliance

22 November 3058

Victor Steiner-Davion seated himself on the edge of the heavy oaken desk behind which Alessandro Steiner had plotted all manner of treason and smiled at Morgan Hasek-Davion. “Go ahead, open the present now. It’s nominally for Christmas—mostly it’s to speed you along on your adventure.”

Morgan sat back on the brown leather couch and popped the ribbon off the rectangular box. He started peeling the paper back, then smiled when he read the label. “Glengarry Black Label, Special Reserve! Victor, you know your scotch.”

Victor smiled sheepishly. “No, actually, Cranston’s security people know your scotch. Their datafile on you is fairly complete and they noted you’ve developed a habit of indulging in a nightcap. They also tell me this is your favorite poison.”

Morgan laughed lightly. “You don’t know this stuff if you can think of it as poison. And, yes, I have developed a taste for it, but only one drink before going to sleep.”

“Good. I’ve got a case of it going out with you. I don’t expect that will be enough, but if I load you up ...”

“Folks could wonder where I’m going that I can’t get it. I’ll ration it carefully.” Morgan glanced at the box, then back up at Victor. “I’m surprised you were able to get a case off Glengarry.”

“I didn’t.” The Prince smiled. “Jerry said some of his special operatives were getting rusty, so they pulled a black-bag job on Katherine’s liquor cellar during her birthday party. His people do good work.”

“I bet.” Morgan set the box on the couch beside him. “So, what else do they have in my datafile?”

“Nothing out of the ordinary—just service records and medical reports. Congratulations, by the way, on checking out on your physical. As far as the doctors were concerned you’d be in great shape even for someone twenty years your junior.” Victor nodded solemnly. “This campaign’s not going to be easy on you, but the doctors say you’re more than up to it.”

“I hope they’re right.”

“What do you mean?” Victor frowned. “You’re the only real choice for this operation. You’ve got the experience, the reputation, and the intelligence needed to carry it off.”

“I’d like to think you’re right about that, but what does concern me is the nature of the coalition force. While we’ve all agreed to cooperate, I’m not certain all the disparate parts of the force have worked that out yet.”

“That’s what the training period is for, Morgan, to get used to each other.” Victor eased himself off the desk and walked over to the wet bar built into the corner of the room. “Want something?”

“Water, please.” Morgan sat forward, stretching the scarlet ribbon wrapped around the package between his hands. “The training period will help, certainly, but our journey to Huntress is going to take a long time. There’ll be plenty of opportunity for friction to stir up trouble.”

Victor returned and handed him a glass of water. “As long as the leadership presents a united front, it should be easy to tamp that sort of thing down.


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