BattleTech Legends by Blaine Lee Pardoe

BattleTech Legends by Blaine Lee Pardoe

Author:Blaine Lee Pardoe
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
Published: 2016-07-29T00:00:00+00:00

Two platoons of Highlander infantry and several assault BattleMechs ringed the ruins of the command post as Colonel MacLeod and his remaining command staff officers toured. The cool dawn was still pitch black except for the bright spotlights of the security ‘Mech aimed in and around the destroyed vehicles. It was almost an hour since the attack, and though the fires were out, most of the Highlanders were shocked that their foe had attacked their command post, achieving almost total surprise.

MacLeod stopped at the remains of the regimental command van and stroked his beard as he stared at it. “Thank the stars I wasn’t able to sleep, or they would’ve gotten me too.”

“Our losses were remarkably low,” Major Huff reported. “We have twenty-six wounded and twelve dead. Four of our ‘Mechs sustained some critical damage, but the other eight suffered only minor damage. From what Dumfries’ intelligence boys have been able to verify, nine enemy troops were killed. My guess is that they must’ve been gunning for you all along in this operation, sir.” Huff had been sleeping in a tent a mere twenty meters from the van when it blew up. His short-cropped blond hair was singed and his eyebrows were burned off. He was lucky to be alive.

Loren shook his head. “I don’t think the Colonel was their main target. This looks more like an attempt to cut off our communications and command control capability. From the looks of it, I’d say it was pretty damn successful.”

“What’s the word on Lieutenant Gomez, Major?” MacLeod asked, still staring at the rubble of his command.

Huff looked down. “Pretty iffy, sir. Our medics say she might lose the leg.” Loren had heard that Gomez was one of the handful who’d survived the explosion in the van.

“She’s tough as nails. She’ll pull through this. Her grandmother was one hell of a MechWarrior and went through a lot worse. It’s in her blood to survive.”

“Knowing her, she’ll be demanding a place in the line even before the painkillers wear off,” Huff said.

Colonel MacLeod turned to the small cadre of officers standing around him. “Enough of this little tour. Who hit us and how in the name of the Star League did they get past our security?”

Huff motioned to what Loren thought was a mound of debris from the blast. In the stark glare of the spotlights the image was more shadow than substance. As the entire officer party moved closer he saw the remains of one of the power-suited troopers who’d attacked the post. It was one of those he’d killed with his medium pulse lasers. The armored suit was charred nearly black, with several gaping holes that had totally penetrated the suit. An arm, manipulative claw and all, lay severed next to the victim.

“Captain Dumfries checked out the bodies. They’re apparently all part of the First NAIS Training Cadre. From what we can tell from the analysis of their suits, the suits are made of materials that don’t show up on active or passive scanners until they are right on top of you.


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