Baker, Kage - Company 04 - The Graveyard Game by Baker Kage

Baker, Kage - Company 04 - The Graveyard Game by Baker Kage

Author:Baker, Kage
Language: eng
Format: epub, pdf
Published: 2004-10-16T15:02:17+00:00


But next morning there came no call officially informing him that Lewis had been transferred to a distant location, and as Joseph was sitting over his breakfast, he heard the two coming through the hotel lobby, discussing the relative merits of Toblerone over Perugina.

"In here." He leaned out and waved from the restaurant. They saw him and smiled. He thought that Lewis looked more tired than the day before, if that was possible, with new lines of strain in his face. Lewis seemed cheerful enough as he sat down and ordered coffee, however.

"No weird visitors lying in wait at your hotel, I guess?" Joseph inquired.

"Nope." Lewis shook out his napkin. "Though I can't say I had the most pleasant dreams."

"How's the investigation going?" Joseph asked Chilon.

"Up and running," Chilon said, reaching into the roll basket and selecting a brioche. He broke it open and daubed it with fruit paste.

Joseph knew better than to ask for details. He turned to Lewis and said casually, "So, are you all ready to give me emotional support? This should be some experience. I haven't seen those paintings since I was twenty, when I sealed them up."

"Wow," said Chilon through a mouthful.

"Will we have to do any spelunking or anything like that to get to them?" Lewis asked, worried. "Because I'm not really dressed—"

"No, no, we won't be going into the real cave. That's been re-sealed. This is the exhibit they built outside.

It's all holosimulation. They say you can't tell the difference, except that you can walk through without getting mud on your shoes, and there's a gift shop."

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"So you won't really get to see your father's paintings, then," said Lewis.

Joseph shrugged. "What's real? I'm a simulation too, when you come down to it. Besides, a lot of people died in that cave. I've put off coming back here my whole life, to be honest. Now that there's this nice sanitary replica, I thought I'd see if I could take it."

"This was where your mortal parents were killed?" Chilon asked.

"That's right," said Joseph.


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