A Call Through Time by Tricia McGill

A Call Through Time by Tricia McGill

Author:Tricia McGill
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: paranormal time travel romance, a british earl meets his dream lover back in time, a british lord goes back in time and rescues a celtic noblewoman, anglosaxon invaders of celtic britain in 450ad, reincarnation and sensual fantasies, shapeshifters and fairies, timetravel to ancient britain in the years following the roman occupation
Publisher: Books We Love Ltd.

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Aqua Salis was thriving—a distinct contrast to their counterparts in the east. It was certainly more populated than the other towns—its residents better fed than any of the people they’d met so far. All along the table, everyone ate heartily from overflowing platters. The horses Brys saw earlier appeared well fed, and the animals being ridden had embroidered saddlecloths and intricately worked halters of tooled leather.

It proved a struggle to keep his attention on Irin and his kinsfolk, while the woman at his side occupied his every thought. Haesal stirred his senses until all else seemed uninteresting. The small talk grew more raucous as the meal progressed. When Haesal’s eyelids began to droop, Brys turned to Irin. “I beg your forgiveness but we have been on the road all day and must make an early start tomorrow.” Standing, he bowed, and helped Haesal to her feet.

Irin waved a hand. “Of course. My manners are deplorable. I trust you enjoy a good night’s rest beneath my roof.”

“Thank you. I bid you goodnight.”

As they left the hall, Haesal motioned for Gerald and her servants to follow. They’d certainly been enjoying the hospitality too much and looked very unhappy at being ordered to bed. Brys said goodnight to Haesal at the door to the chamber she was to share with other women of the household, while he went to his sleeping quarters with all the male travelers. Already disgruntled at having to bid Haesal a brief goodnight, Brys had to then endure Gerald’s grumbles. After the others were all snoring, Brys lay sleepless, his thoughts on the woman who had filled his dreams for years, and now filled his every thought.


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